Daylight Savings Time

It’s not that I don’t like daylight savings time… it’s more like I HATE it! It messes me up bad. I have been and I think I will always be a clock watcher. We even talk in time around here. It wouldn’t be uncommon to say ‘in 6 minutes we need to… ‘ or  ‘we are going to … in 3 minutes’. Yea, you get the picture. So when the time changes it messes my internal clock up for about 2 weeks! Now not to rag tooooo much about this, but I’m just saying that if there was someone who would run for President and the only thing that this person said that they would do would stop Daylight Savings Time – well they have my vote! I’m just saying…

OK, other things that are going on with the farm is that the weather continues to be nice outside and is actually in the 40’s. So after work, Kyle and I left the chickens out to get some fresh air. They haven’t been out since maybe November ? and today was the day to get out. When the doors were opened they didn’t know how far they should really venture – but it didn’t take long and soon they were checking everything out. They kind of peck at the snow and I don’t really know why. But it must taste good to them or something because they all do it. Now just to remember to lock them up tonight! Otherwise either stray dogs or other animals can get into coop when they’re sleeping and kill them. We had that happen a couple of years ago and we think some dogs came and killed about a dozen of our chickens and left them in the yard. Not cool. So we make sure after that the doors get shut every night just in case.

Today’s picture isDSC_0131

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Concert in Ames on Sunday

We ended up the weekend by heading to Ames for a concert that William was involved in at the college. It’s so funny because this concert is their Spring concert and last year when we went to it we couldn’t believe how long people waited in line just to get a seat. Now granted, everyone has a ticket to get in, but the hall that they sing in is really small so the good seats go fast. And this year the concert was also sold out and when we got to the hall about 45 minutes early to stand in line, I’m sure that we didn’t look at shocked as we did last year or how some of the parents that we saw this year looked. We decided that they must be the Freshman kid’s parents.

The concert was really good and it’s always a fun way to spend the afternoon listening to the kids. I laughed because I really do know that I take a lot of pictures, and when I was sitting in the chair with my big purse loaded down for the day with cameras it hit home because I even had our video camera to boot! But better safe than sorry right? So here’s a picture of the Iowa Statesmen Choir.

Iowa Statesmen Choir

Iowa Statesmen Choir

And what is today’s picture of the day? It’s the boys of course!

The boys

The boys


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Fish Fry & Family weekend

Lent has begun! Now I’m sure that this isn’t probably the correct way to celebrate Lent in the Catholic Church, but at least we observe it right? Daryl & I along with my one brother and sister-in-law become once again the ‘Roaming Catholics’ and we try every Friday to find a fish fry that we haven’t been to before. So where did we go this week? We went to a local fireman’s fry in Clermont, Iowa. We got there a little later than the rush crowd which was good and as you walked up to the fire station you could smell the fresh fish cooking outside. We were all hungry and it smelled great. And the good thing about it was that it tasted even better! Fish, french fries, coleslaw, and beans were on the menu tonight. After we got done eating, we went to a couple of local hangouts to see what was going on. We sure have the best time on Friday’s during Lent!

William came home on Friday night to not only hang out with Kyle before he leaves for Korea, but also to help celebrate Daryl’s birthday and Good Friday. You know you just have to do what you have to do to get everything checked off and on this weekend we wanted to cover just about everything. But this morning started out as a working morning trying to get the ice that was jammed up in front of the Roadhouse busted up. It’s been actually nice and the snow has been melting not only off the roofs but also in the yard but that can cause other issues. Like this water in the Roadhouse!

Ice melting off the roofs which is a really good sign that Spring is coming!

Ice melting off the roofs which is a really good sign that Spring is coming!

Kyle mentioned the other day that there was water coming in under the door, and when we had it cemented we purposely made it so the water would always flow the other way. Well it didn’t take long for them to see that under all the snow was a river forming right in front of the door! Literally!! So the boys started to dig out the snow and made a pretty good head way.

Starting to dig out

Starting to dig out

But then they got as far as the ice and needed some help breaking it up. Daryl got the tractor out with the bucket and helped move more of the snow away and was able to pick up some of the ice.DSCN8038 The guys then took the shovels and finally got a path for the water to travel on. DSCN8043And what was I doing while they were chopping ice? Well with three guys out there, I was going to be really busy in the house. You know… doing house stuff 🙂 But I was actually working. I made Daryl’s birthday cake and made dinner. I could keep tabs on them from the kitchen window and it was nice to look out and see the boys and Daryl working. And from the looks of how happy Reno was today, I’m thinking she thought that it was also a good day!DSCN8050 I snapped a quick picture of the boys on the front steps with Reno after they got done. I think they were watching Little Kitty or something. I’m not sure what they were doing and maybe they were just hanging out I don’t know,but it was a nice Mom moment if you know what I mean. So this is my Picture of the Day! DSCN8059a

The next thing on our list was to celebrate Daryl’s birthday. Daryl loves the Colts, so the boys got him a Colt jersey. He’s been a fan of this team forever and doesn’t have any of the team clothes to wear. I think you’re supposed to wear it watching the games or something, who knows.. I think it’s a guy thing – but Daryl loved the jersey and it fit really well. Good job boys!

Happy early Birthday to you!

Happy early Birthday to you!

What was next? We wanted to snap a couple of pictures with Kyle in his graduation gown. When we went to his graduation in New York last May he didn’t have all his honor medals and ropes yet, so it was nice to have a complete gown for some pictures. He worked really hard for them and we wanted to get some with those on the pictures.  I had some trouble though – it was called the Iowa State Basketball game that was being televised. And to top it off, Iowa State threw in a three pointer just at the buzzer so it went into overtime. But finally the game was over and Iowa State won!

You think I could get their attention?

You think I could get their attention?

Now everyone was really in a good mood and the pictures turned out really nice. We even snapped a couple more of our family so we had a couple to pick from for this coming Christmas cards. Check out the picture of Kyle below in his gown. Yup, another Mom moment.DSC_0081

Now if you’re thinking that’s about enough for the day… off to church we went and then a quick game of cards after it. DSCN8077The boys think they are so cool because they won the last time we played and Daryl and I were ready to be the ones to gloat this time. Well it was close and then William got a lone hand and that was the end of the game. They won again. Now we have to keep their score sheet up on the refrigerator until we play again. Which is NOT a good thing. Can you see how modest they are though about winning?

ok.. they boys won again.

ok.. they boys won again.

Finally we headed to town to go out for supper. We have this tradition on Good Friday we go to this seafood chain and celebrate with a really good meal. I mean we have lobster and the whole thing. We decided to go this weekend because the boys won’t be around for Good Friday. Off we went to see what kind of seafood platters we can find and we found some good ones!

A good supper with the kids ended up the night

A good supper with the kids ended up the night

We had a great time and then it was time to call it a day. William had to be in Ames in the morning so he went one way and we headed North to our farm.

Even though this Saturday was pretty busy and we crammed in a lot, it was just fantastic to be able to hang out with both boys on the farm again.

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We had another wake to go to last night and the person who passed away was way too young to die. The girl was 43 and was fighting cancer for the past 4 or more years.   It’s kind of an odd feeling though because the last two Mondays there were two of my classmates spouses that died.  I just hope that the old saying that death comes in three’s don’t hold true this time! We knew last night that we would have to wait in line to talk to the surviving family for a little longer than normal because not only did the girl who passed away have a big relation, but also her husband had I think had 14 brothers and sisters in his family. And then because they were originally from our area, well you can just about imagine how many people wanted to come and pay their respect. The waiting line spun all around the sides and back of the church and the overflow went into the pews. But that was OK. You figured before you let home that it could be a couple of hours waiting to talk to the family and that’s just what it was. Sometimes when I go to a wake or a funeral I think of people who live in the city and are all alone. When they die, do they have a wake? And what would some of those people think when they would see hundreds of people from the community showing up for the wake or the funeral service? A lot of them bringing food to the church funeral because they knew that there would be a lot of people there and wanted to help out with feeding them.  Around our area this is a common sight when someone dies. You will also have people showing up at your house or a relative of the person who dies with food just to help you out. It’s kind of nice.

But now I’m hoping that we’re done with these bad Monday’s and soon Spring will be here. I’m even a little bit more hopeful today. Yesterday, well I was just plain sick of the whole thing! But today the air was warmer (30 + degrees!!) and the snow was really melting. So today’s picture of the day was a common sight around our farm. The snow on the roofs of all the sheds were melting.

Snow melting off of a shed on our farm

Snow melting off of a shed on our farm

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Working on pictures and grinding up egg shells

I’ve come a long way working on some pictures for a project that I’m involved in for our town. I thought it would be really cool to take some photos that were taken during the last Irish Fest that our town had, blow them up to a really big size,  and then display them during an Irish Stew supper that I’m helping with. Now this sounds like a good idea, and I’ve got the photos all ready in my cart on the web page for where I want to get them printed – but even with downsizing the amount that I’d like to buy it’s still way too expensive. But with the supper only 2 1/2 weeks away, I’m hoping that they’ll have a sale on the prints .. like tomorrow! If not? Well I’ll have to find a less expensive place to buy them from which I really don’t want to do.

I’m also working on a photo project with Kyle. He brought some really cool sand back from the Black Sea and the Red Sea from when he was in Athens Greece and I’d like to display them somehow. So I found some perfect sized shadow boxes and I also have two of his pictures that he took when he was in Athens at those beaches to display in them. But they are in my cart with the other stuff that I want to print but it’s too expensive- so I guess I wait.

And guess what I bought for the kitchen? Check out my new Jerky Maker. I think it looks pretty sassy if I say so myself!DSC_0045 I literally worn my out. I was using it the other day and just when I was half way done it jammed up and died. I had such a mess and for an instant I thought ‘Hey I might be able to fix this’.  Then I cobbled the rest of the raw jerky mix out of it and walked to the trash can and threw it out. It’s been giving me trouble and if I only counted how many batches that it actually did, I would know that it paid for it’s self many times over. So tonight I broke down and bought a new one. I’m hoping to get to use yet this week sometime. With William coming home this weekend, he’s always ready to take some beef jerky back to college.

Now I did learn today what we can do with all our egg shells. There is a known organic pesticide called diatomaceous earth, which is basically the fossilized remains of creatures that are ground into a fine powder. This works as an organic pesticide because it gets under the shells of beetles and acts like bits of glass to cut them up and kill them. (That part isn’t so nice!)  Snails and slugs will also die if they slink across it, and it works as a deterrent. Well guess what, eggshells work the same way. Now we’ve always thrown our egg shells into the garden because I heard that some of the pests didn’t like it, but grinding it up and putting it on the leaves of the plants? SCORE! So now I’m working on drying out our egg shells and making a container of my organic pesticide. I have no idea if it’ll actually work – but honestly I’m not out a thing!DSC_0046

And what is the photo of the day? Well after I was looking at Kyle’s pictures of Athens, I decided that the photo below was going to be it. I think it’s an amazing photo and it doesn’t even look real! Very, very cool!DSC02144

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Cookies and patiently waiting…

After work today I was thinking what should my picture of the day be today? Well as I was looking around guess what I saw? Yea, snow. Now I’m sure that you are about as sick of seeing snow as much as I am in my pictures and with up to 5 more inches tonight possible, that was about the last thing that I was going to snap a picture of. So I decided that I was going to look around after I got changed from work for today’s picture of the day.

After I pulled into the yard I was greeted by Reno and Little Kitty on the front steps and as I walked into the kitchen I smelled something wonderful. Kyle is waiting for his papers to come back from Korea and decided to make some homemade oatmeal butterscotch cookies today to keep busy. DSC_0020I have never made these cookies before and by the amount that I’ve eaten so far tonight – it’s probably a good thing! Kyle’s been patiently waiting for word on his papers that he sent to Korea and I’m sure he’ll hear from them soon. They’ve changed how they do foreigners getting working Visa’s and if the goal is to make it more complicated it’s working!

William has been really excited because he  also has been working on lining up his intern job for next year and was able to pick between a couple of different jobs. He is planning on staying in the U.S. and he picked one that he will be working for 8 months and will take a leave of absence from his college studies to get some hands on experience. He also has his summer job lined up and will be living at home because the job will be close by us.  Now all we have to do is to get Kyle’s papers all finalized and then both boys will be able to start their next adventures in their lives.

So what is tonight’s picture? Well as I was walking around outside I was thinking that I haven’t seen the peacocks lately. Then just as I looked down I saw this in the snow.

Peacock footprints in the snow

Peacock footprints in the snow

It was a big giveaway that the peacocks were close by. I thought I’d check out the barn first to see if they were up in the hay mound. But just as I came into the barn they were running down the aisle looking pretty guilty.DSC_0021 Yup, they were eating the dog food again. I guess it must taste OK to them and face it, it’s pretty easy food when it’s winter outside. So tonight’s picture is of Sam the peacock. He’s looking pretty good and I’m amazed that he still has so many of his tail feathers!

Lookin' good Sam!

Picture of the day – Sam

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Picture of the day – March 3

I decided that I’m going to try to take a ‘Picture of the day’ and post it. Now I’m hoping that it’s not a dumb idea and I guess we’ll find out pretty soon right? Well with the winter blah’s going on and just boring staying in the house stuff.. I decided that I’m going to see what I can find that might be kind of cool to snap a quick picture of.

So what is today’s picture and story? Well it’s a picture of the snow drifts on our road. OK, maybe not the most exciting right? Now if your’e the one driving in them, it really can be exciting. I laughed when I was going to go out and take this picture. We just got home and was plowing through the road with the truck and I thought to myself that when we get into the house I’m going to get dressed up warm and go out on the road and take a quick picture. Yea.. just as I was opening the front door I could hear a noise and when I looked it was the Road Grader Man. Now I don’t want to sound ungrateful because we really want him to hang out around the roads by our farm. but jeepers couldn’t it have waited for just 5 more minutes? So I was kind of stalking out in front of our house and I waved at the grader man and he went by and then I thought OK, I’m going to walk down the road and snap the picture. Just as I’m walking down the road, here he turns around and is coming back. Yea, this wasn’t going to work very good at all. And I’m sure he was wondering just what in the world was I doing walking around on the road for?  I got kind of worried that he might think that I was checking up on him or something. Well, I went back into the yard and waited until he was gone again and then I went back on the road and snapped this picture while he was plowing out the roads east of our farm. It’s maybe not the best picture to start out my little project on, but with all the effort I put into it – it’s the one that is going to get posted. Stay tuned for additional pictures of the day!

Snow banks on the side of our roads.

Snow banks on the side of our roads.

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On the road again

After we said our good-byes to our friends in Michigan, we decided to start the trip back to Iowa. We didn’t really know what the weather was supposed to be like, so we thought we’d be better off  safe than sorry and start out early. If the weather did get bad, we knew that we could always stop and stay for the night. So off we went.

The first thing that we came across was this. Now honestly isn’t this about the funniest thing you’ve ever seen?IMG_1378 It was a sign just on the side of the road and Daryl just gives in anymore when I ask him if he’ll stop so I can snap a picture. I’m thinking to myself, now how often had they had prisoners escape that they actually post a sign saying that no one should pick them up if they do? I think this is about the craziest thing ever! I laughed and laughed until my belly hurt. Daryl just kept wondering why I thought this was so funny.. and I guess I really don’t know. But it was! Then back on the highway we went. The roads in Michigan all look pretty much the same. Trees and more trees.IMG_1374 I thought that maybe there should be some bears around all these trees, but we only kept seeing deer standing on the side of the road. Thank goodness they stayed on the side of the roads ! But we had a lot of time to just hang out in the car and we even had a little sing a long time with the radio. OK, it was mostly me.. but it did pass the time. And just like that the roads got icy. The windshield of the car started to freeze over and everyone on the Interstate slowed down and took it off cruise control. We weren’t sure how long it was going to last so we found a hotel not too far from where we were at and ended up staying the night. Tonight we checked in way earlier than last night and we ended up walking over to a local Pub and had supper and there was going to be a band later. We also made sure that the hotel had a swimming pool with a hot tub. We didn’t stay up too late and by morning the car was plump full of snow. But the roads were good and as we got closer to home the weather even was kind of nice. I was surprised that only a couple of hours from our farm there was little or now snow. Even the rivers were completely open.

River by

Mississippi River by Le Claire, Ia

We made it back to the car rental and turned in our little SUV for our truck and home we went. We noticed a lot more snow along the roads and also a lot more cars were in the ditch.

All you see is snow and more snow around our farm

All you see is snow and more snow around our farm

We heard later that the weather was pretty nasty again Saturday and Saturday night. When we got home, Kyle was waiting for us and had everything on the farm and house done. It was a good trip and I’m so glad that we took the time to go.  I think there are some things that you know are just the right thing to do and this was one of them.

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Off to Michigan for the weekend

We had a very good friend of ours die unexpectedly this week and the funeral was going to be in Michigan on Saturday. You know how you think should we or shouldn’t we go? Well for us there was only thing that would determine if we wouldn’t go and that was the weather. Now we were supposed to get a couple of inches of snow, but we were hoping to get in front of the storm and decided to grab our stuff and head out. And since Kyle was still home to help with the chores, we thought it was a perfect time to go. Like I said the funeral was in Michigan and about a 9 to 10 hour drive.

When I got home on Friday after work, I had literally 17 minutes to change clothes and head back out the door. Now I did have everything ready, but after a quick bathroom visit and a change of clothes – out the door I went and into the pickup I sat with even a couple of minutes to spare!  We are also trying to figure out just what our next car is going to be, so we stopped off at the airport and rented a car before we took off. We figured it was the best way to really get a good feel if we like a smaller vehicle or not. Good idea right?

On the way to Michigan our plans were to drive to around 2 hours of where the funeral was going to be and then get up early the next morning and drive to the church. But Daryl was in the groove and said that he wanted to keep driving. I was really glad that he was driving and not me – I was tired! Kyle let us borrow his Garmin and after seeing all the roads in Chicago, we really glad that we ended up taking it along. 20140228_211757_resizedThe next couple of hours went by kind of fast and then around 2:15 in the morning we’re standing at the counter in a hotel trying to make reservations for the night. I was going to do them on line before we got there, but after midnight you can’t make that same days reservations. Now this makes sense, but after being on the road for over 9 hours it was just a little fuzzy at the time. But the worst thing is that we couldn’t find the person behind the counter. After standing around for what seemed like a really long time, Daryl found the hotel number on some cards on the counter and I called the hotel. This one guy answered and I asked if he would come to the check in counter because we were waiting to try to check in. Now that was a first! But he was nice and we got all checked in and pretty much passed out from exhaustion. The next morning we didn’t have any trouble finding the church and it was so nice to see my best friend right away. It was her husband who died just the Monday before and like I said very unexpectedly. But she’s like a rock .. well more like a boulder! She just said that she couldn’t believe that he died and then explained how he died. She wasn’t crying and I was trying my best not to. Because they are so involved with their local school, churches, town, and then he was a part owner of a local business and she worked at the college you can see why the funeral was huge. They even moved it to a different church because they knew that they couldn’t fit everyone in for the service. After the service we all went to a local VFW for the meal. Now I don’t know if all Michigan funerals have this much desserts – but Holy Cow! We had the normal sandwiches, jello stuff, hot potatoes and hot bean dished, but then we took another plate and went to the dessert tables.  My friends had a good friend of theirs own a bakery and brought ‘stuff’. I feel kind of bad talking about the food from today, but man oh man it was a lot! But do you know the coolest part of this whole day? When everyone found a seat in the VFW and before anyone ate, the priest gave a toast for the friend who passed away. Everyone raised their glass in honor of him and said Cheers!  Way cool! It was so good to see our friend this weekend, but it sure would have been better if it was under different circumstances. I know that she’s tough and she’ll be OK, but it just doesn’t seem too fair to me. But like the old saying goes, ‘Life’s not fair’. And today it was a perfect example on how true that saying really is.

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My next project – Canvas Pictures

I have a bunch of really cool pictures that I want to get blown up and put onto some matted frames. Now some of these are ones that I took, and some are ones that the boys took. So tonight I started on the first one that I really like. It was taken a couple of years ago when we were in the process of taking our Christmas photo. I was trying to find ‘the perfect spot’ for our next Christmas picture and in the mean time the boys were getting tired of waiting for me and were just hanging out by the fire pit. It’s such a casual picture of both of them, I really like it. Now if you’ve never put a picture on a canvas before, it’s really easy. I snapped a couple of pictures while I was doing it to show just how easy it is.

The picture that I’m matting today is a 20 x 30 inch picture and I couldn’t find a canvas that was exactly the same size. So I found the closest one and made it work.

The first thing you do is to paint all around the edges and on the top of the canvas. You want to do this just in case the picture pulls up a little bit and to give it a clean edge. DSCN8010

Then you have to let it dry and double check at this point to make sure that everything is covered by the paint. It’ so much easier at this point to repaint it than later trying to do it. DSCN8012

The next thing to do is to cover the canvas with Mod Podge. I found out that there are a lot of different types of Mod Podge to use  and my favorite for this type of job is the matte finish. I really think it’s just what you like though and there isn’t one that’s better than the next one. But you do have to make sure that the canvas is completely covered and then put your picture on it. You’ll want to double check that it’s straight and then double check that there’s no air bubbles in it. If the picture is too big, use a craft knife to cut off any excess photo.

What’s next? Now this is the scary part. The first time that you do this you might freak out a little bit. What you do is to brush on the Mod Podge on top of your picture. It doesn’t look the best, but trust me that it’ll get better. Don’t forget all the edges and take a good look all over the photo to make sure that it’s all covered. On this photo, I literally dumped the Mod Podge on top of it and then spread it all over. DSCN8013

Once it’s dried – it looks like this! DSCN8019The more layers of the Mod Podge that you do, the different the photo looks. I think I’ll do at least one or two more coats on this before I hang it up.

While I was working on this, Kyle was working on supper. Now I know that he’s anxious to get to Korea and start his job, but it’s a pretty sweet deal to have someone tell you that supper is ready and not only does it smell good but it sure does look good too!

Tonight was Taco Night at our house. Thanks Kyle!

Tonight was Taco Night at our house. Thanks Kyle!

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