Picture of the day – March 3

I decided that I’m going to try to take a ‘Picture of the day’ and post it. Now I’m hoping that it’s not a dumb idea and I guess we’ll find out pretty soon right? Well with the winter blah’s going on and just boring staying in the house stuff.. I decided that I’m going to see what I can find that might be kind of cool to snap a quick picture of.

So what is today’s picture and story? Well it’s a picture of the snow drifts on our road. OK, maybe not the most exciting right? Now if your’e the one driving in them, it really can be exciting. I laughed when I was going to go out and take this picture. We just got home and was plowing through the road with the truck and I thought to myself that when we get into the house I’m going to get dressed up warm and go out on the road and take a quick picture. Yea.. just as I was opening the front door I could hear a noise and when I looked it was the Road Grader Man. Now I don’t want to sound ungrateful because we really want him to hang out around the roads by our farm. but jeepers couldn’t it have waited for just 5 more minutes? So I was kind of stalking out in front of our house and I waved at the grader man and he went by and then I thought OK, I’m going to walk down the road and snap the picture. Just as I’m walking down the road, here he turns around and is coming back. Yea, this wasn’t going to work very good at all. And I’m sure he was wondering just what in the world was I doing walking around on the road for?  I got kind of worried that he might think that I was checking up on him or something. Well, I went back into the yard and waited until he was gone again and then I went back on the road and snapped this picture while he was plowing out the roads east of our farm. It’s maybe not the best picture to start out my little project on, but with all the effort I put into it – it’s the one that is going to get posted. Stay tuned for additional pictures of the day!

Snow banks on the side of our roads.

Snow banks on the side of our roads.

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