Week 1 _ Coronavirus

Well as you all know we are all trying to stop the coronavirus that has plagued the world these past two weeks by having to leave your house and  travel only when absolutely   necessary.

OK, so what did I do with my time this weekend?

First things first. You know that I like to do laundry so that’s a no brainer. I put laundry out with all good intentions to take it in when dry. So did it get dry? Well not so much. See after I put it out and decided it needed one more day to really dry – it kinda snowed. And for some reason the snow just stayed for the whole day! So now my choice is should I bring it in with snow on it or let it outside to see if it’ll dry. Well you can pretty much guess what I did right? Yup, I’m going for that country fresh smell 🙂

Other things accomplished this weekend was going through some storage that I had in my scrapbook/home office room. I’m guessing that a planner that was dated 2010 isn’t a necessity anymore along with some old address books and just plain stuff! See I’m working from home for now and my scrapbook room is now serving a dual purpose. I’m not sure how long I’ll be working from our upstairs in our house, but for now I don’t mind at all.

And this weekend there was also some soap making going on. Surprised? I’ve been trying out a couple of new techniques and to be honest they haven’t been too successful so far. The YouTube videos made it look so easy!  Yea whatever! But the soaps smell wonderful and unless you’re out scoping out soap videos on the web – I’m guessing you wouldn’t know that they don’t turn out just exactly how I had planned it.

I’ve also started to plant some seeds inside to get ready for my summer garden today.  I haven’t stared plants from seeds forever so I’m kinda excited to do it again! I’ve got quite a few more packets to plant but I think I’ll see how these first ones go!

We also had our first meeting on Sunday for creating a non-profit organization for a Historical Society for our town. At first we were going to get together at the Community Center in town to have our meeting, but our group members are located in South Dakota, New York, New Hampton Iowa, Ames Iowa, and then me in Lawler Iowa. Just a little challenging with what’s going on for now for traveling. But guess what? We had a conference call and it went great! Got tons done and the paperwork is headed to the lawyer tomorrow for the final review. Shazam! There’s a lot of work to do with the group but it’s like the old saying that if you don’t start it’ll never get done! I’m super excited to be a part of it!

And lastly I’ve been in the kitchen cooking quite a bit. For the weekend I checked out what was in the freezer and made fried chicken in the oven, I had some ham broth frozen so I made ham & potato soup, and took some Christmas turkey that was also frozen and made some creamed turkey sandwiches. I also took some frozen bananas out of the freezer to make some banana bars. I made them in a smaller pan to have more of a cake and it turned out pretty good! I had all intentions to have them frosted, but as you can see it’s just way too late for that! I’m guessing that in Week # 2 I’m going to hide the weight scale just in case I continue to clean out the freezer! 


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