Cookies and patiently waiting…

After work today I was thinking what should my picture of the day be today? Well as I was looking around guess what I saw? Yea, snow. Now I’m sure that you are about as sick of seeing snow as much as I am in my pictures and with up to 5 more inches tonight possible, that was about the last thing that I was going to snap a picture of. So I decided that I was going to look around after I got changed from work for today’s picture of the day.

After I pulled into the yard I was greeted by Reno and Little Kitty on the front steps and as I walked into the kitchen I smelled something wonderful. Kyle is waiting for his papers to come back from Korea and decided to make some homemade oatmeal butterscotch cookies today to keep busy. DSC_0020I have never made these cookies before and by the amount that I’ve eaten so far tonight – it’s probably a good thing! Kyle’s been patiently waiting for word on his papers that he sent to Korea and I’m sure he’ll hear from them soon. They’ve changed how they do foreigners getting working Visa’s and if the goal is to make it more complicated it’s working!

William has been really excited because he  also has been working on lining up his intern job for next year and was able to pick between a couple of different jobs. He is planning on staying in the U.S. and he picked one that he will be working for 8 months and will take a leave of absence from his college studies to get some hands on experience. He also has his summer job lined up and will be living at home because the job will be close by us.  Now all we have to do is to get Kyle’s papers all finalized and then both boys will be able to start their next adventures in their lives.

So what is tonight’s picture? Well as I was walking around outside I was thinking that I haven’t seen the peacocks lately. Then just as I looked down I saw this in the snow.

Peacock footprints in the snow

Peacock footprints in the snow

It was a big giveaway that the peacocks were close by. I thought I’d check out the barn first to see if they were up in the hay mound. But just as I came into the barn they were running down the aisle looking pretty guilty.DSC_0021 Yup, they were eating the dog food again. I guess it must taste OK to them and face it, it’s pretty easy food when it’s winter outside. So tonight’s picture is of Sam the peacock. He’s looking pretty good and I’m amazed that he still has so many of his tail feathers!

Lookin' good Sam!

Picture of the day – Sam

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