Daylight Savings Time

It’s not that I don’t like daylight savings time… it’s more like I HATE it! It messes me up bad. I have been and I think I will always be a clock watcher. We even talk in time around here. It wouldn’t be uncommon to say ‘in 6 minutes we need to… ‘ or  ‘we are going to … in 3 minutes’. Yea, you get the picture. So when the time changes it messes my internal clock up for about 2 weeks! Now not to rag tooooo much about this, but I’m just saying that if there was someone who would run for President and the only thing that this person said that they would do would stop Daylight Savings Time – well they have my vote! I’m just saying…

OK, other things that are going on with the farm is that the weather continues to be nice outside and is actually in the 40’s. So after work, Kyle and I left the chickens out to get some fresh air. They haven’t been out since maybe November ? and today was the day to get out. When the doors were opened they didn’t know how far they should really venture – but it didn’t take long and soon they were checking everything out. They kind of peck at the snow and I don’t really know why. But it must taste good to them or something because they all do it. Now just to remember to lock them up tonight! Otherwise either stray dogs or other animals can get into coop when they’re sleeping and kill them. We had that happen a couple of years ago and we think some dogs came and killed about a dozen of our chickens and left them in the yard. Not cool. So we make sure after that the doors get shut every night just in case.

Today’s picture isDSC_0131

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