
We had another wake to go to last night and the person who passed away was way too young to die. The girl was 43 and was fighting cancer for the past 4 or more years.   It’s kind of an odd feeling though because the last two Mondays there were two of my classmates spouses that died.  I just hope that the old saying that death comes in three’s don’t hold true this time! We knew last night that we would have to wait in line to talk to the surviving family for a little longer than normal because not only did the girl who passed away have a big relation, but also her husband had I think had 14 brothers and sisters in his family. And then because they were originally from our area, well you can just about imagine how many people wanted to come and pay their respect. The waiting line spun all around the sides and back of the church and the overflow went into the pews. But that was OK. You figured before you let home that it could be a couple of hours waiting to talk to the family and that’s just what it was. Sometimes when I go to a wake or a funeral I think of people who live in the city and are all alone. When they die, do they have a wake? And what would some of those people think when they would see hundreds of people from the community showing up for the wake or the funeral service? A lot of them bringing food to the church funeral because they knew that there would be a lot of people there and wanted to help out with feeding them.  Around our area this is a common sight when someone dies. You will also have people showing up at your house or a relative of the person who dies with food just to help you out. It’s kind of nice.

But now I’m hoping that we’re done with these bad Monday’s and soon Spring will be here. I’m even a little bit more hopeful today. Yesterday, well I was just plain sick of the whole thing! But today the air was warmer (30 + degrees!!) and the snow was really melting. So today’s picture of the day was a common sight around our farm. The snow on the roofs of all the sheds were melting.

Snow melting off of a shed on our farm

Snow melting off of a shed on our farm

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