Check it out… it Rained!

We woke up this morning to a really good sound. The sound was thunder that we could hear in the distance. Now you wouldn’t really think that this would be like ‘the news of the day’ but in August when we haven’t had hardly any rain -it’s big news! Our crops are starting to really show the struggle with the hot and dry weather lately and honestly any moisture is good moisture!! Like I said it was starting to thunder and it didn’t take long until it started to rain. At the end of the shower we ended up getting around .7 of an inch. Not as much as we would have liked (yea.. I know always wanting more)  but it’ll get us by for another week. The soy beans are just starting to fill out in the pods and like I said, the rain that we got came just in the nick of time for our crops.

Just keep raining....

Just keep raining….

In the afternoon we had a wedding that was in our town and with the rain that came through, they couldn’t have asked for a better day. They were predicting it to be unbearable heat but they were wrong this time. I think any wedding is a great day and today’s was just that. The bride just glowed and I was really glad that we were invited by our friends to help celebrate the occasion.  DSCN8851 After the reception we were also invited to a double birthday party. This party was at the farm where we went to the one wedding earlier this year in the barn. I had a chance to check out the barn now with hay in it and you know that it was breathtaking on the day of the wedding and tonight it was also in it’s glory. Now granted it was filled with hay bales, tractors, and other farm stuff instead of candles, music, and decorations, but honestly it was just right. OK, so I’m a sucker for barns, but with the decision that a lot of people have to make with the expense of trying to do the upkeep on old barns and trying to figure out if you should fix them up or tear them down – it’s always great to have a chance to get inside one that is standing tall and if it could talk I’m thinking that it would also say just how proud it was to still the be focal building on any farm. Pretty cool.

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