Zombie Burgers

We knew that we’d have some free time tonight and William needed some other stuff brought down to his apartment, so we packed the car and headed to Ames after work.

With the cows, chickens, and baby kitties all fed – off we went. We haven’t been driving the Pacifica as often as we were before we got the Volt, but with some wood for one of William’s friends in the car, we knew that it was the right vehicle for the trip. It also smelled pretty good in there. I literally took the caramel rolls out of the oven and wrapped them in a towel and we left like in 3 minutes. On the way down it looked like we were going to run into some rain and if we did we were hoping that it would make it all the way back to our farm. The fields are so dry and we really need the rain. It didn’t take long after we saw the dark clouds that the sky opened up right when we were in the middle of road construction. Isn’t that how it always goes?

Finally we find William’s apartment and start unpacking the car. His apartment is nice and it’s so much bigger than a dorm. But we noticed that it’s not as quiet as a dorm either. Now granted we were down there on the weekend before school started and it was a Friday, well let’s just say it’s not the quietest neighborhood that I’ve been in. There were kids on balcony’s, on all the streets, in the parking lots… well you get the picture right? It looked like a lot of fun and man oh man do I feel old.

IMG_2055So for supper we had planned on going to Des Moines to a burger joint. I’ve heard about it from William for some time now and we just haven’t been able to get there. After we had everything unloaded into the apartment and the car loaded back up for stuff he didn’t want we jumped back into the car and went to find the restaurant. No problems in finding it and the wait ended up being around 30  minutes which wasn’t too bad.IMG_2056 But now… what to order. With options like Dead Moines, Undead Elvis, Trailer Trash Zombie.. I chose Juan of the Dead. It had Green chile, cheese croquette, monterey jack cheese, carmelized onions, chipotle mayo and a burger of course.

Note to self: Go running in the morning!

Note to self: Go running in the morning!

There were three sizes of burgers to choose from and thank goodness I picked the smallest size. You know what? I’ve been saying for quite a few years that I don’t really like hamburgers, but after tonight I don’t think I can’t say that again! They were awesome!! IMG_2053After getting our bellies wayyy too full it was time to head back to Ames and drop William at his apartment. Now for the drive back home. It looked like it rained again around Ames but no luck at our farm. There’s a 40% chance of rain tomorrow-maybe we’ll get lucky and give our crops some much needed moisture.

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