Here we go again.

I have absolutely no idea what’s going on with our cats. I mean, in the past if we had one that actually lived past the first couple of weeks, we literally thought we won the lottery or something. We’d just check it out and kind of look at it with awe. So with our little 6 pack on the front porch still alive and really starting to get into mischief, we’re thinking we’re pretty lucky to have this many kitties around. Now we do see some other bigger cats running around and on the farm it’s OK that they’re wild. You want them to hunt the rabbits by the garden and the mice in the sheds. But tonight I walked outside and saw a little kitty that might .. and the key word is might, be three days old. It didn’t have it’s eyes open and still had it’s umbilical cord. Yea she was pretty little. I asked Daryl if he found it and put it on the porch and he said that he hadn’t. So I’m guessing Reno found it and thought that someone better take care of it. Daryl made a comment that we are turning into the shelter for homeless cats and I’m thinking he’s kind of right! Well I wasn’t sure what I should do with this little kitty so I wrapped it up and had it sleep on the couch until I had it figured out. DSCN8858I thought I had a pretty good plan when I was walking through the living room and saw a mother kitty on our porch. I thought that I’d put the baby kitty outside and maybe she would take it with her. Yea, no such luck. The kitty was just lonely and with not having it’s eyes open yet  -I’m guessing it was also pretty scared. OK, so back into the house it comes and I get out the baby kitty bottle. This did not go well and the kitty was now just crying and crying. Finally I asked Daryl if he’d put it in the hay loft in the barn and hopefully someone would come and get it and take care of it. Normally I don’t give up this easy, but I don’t think I can save this kitty and my only hope is that a mother cat will adopt it.

Other than being on cat duty today, my Mom needed some stuff from town and so off we went for the afternoon. Daryl wanted to spend the day working on the lawn and trimming, so it seemed like a good day to head to town and get some shopping done. On the way to town, my brother called and said that if we drove by this one road we could see the air show that’s going on at the airport. Well that didn’t take much to convince me and we stopped for a few minutes to watch.

Some of the stunts that the air show had today

Some of the stunts that the air show had today

It would be cool to see the whole show sometime, but with the temperatures reaching around 99 degrees today,  I’m thinking that today just might not the be day. There was a wind so it wasn’t so bad, but 99 degrees is still hot. I was sure glad that we got the rain yesterday morning at the farm.

I don’t know if other collies do what ours do in the summer, but they will start to loose their fur to try to stay cool. I started to brush Reno down tonight to get rid of some of that extra fur because let’s just say she’s not looking her best lately. And when I got a couple of piles made, I decided it was enough for the night. Hopefully I’ll get her all brushed out by next weekend.

The best part of the day was being able to skype with Kyle. It didn’t work out last week, so I was glad that we could do it tonight. I know that we only missed a week, so maybe it’s a Mom thing or something.  He didn’t get his birthday box yet, but he’s got time before his birthday on Thursday.

So with the little kitty out in the hay loft hopefully with a mother cat near by, the six pack kitty’s bellies full on the porch, the dogs trying to stay cool in the barn, the chickens locked up in the coop, and me just getting out of the shower with my hair still wet – I guess I’ll call it a night and start the week all over again tomorrow.

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