
May 2, 2013


Yea, it’s snowing, and then snowing some more. Now I know that it could be worse. There are a lot of towns near us that have been getting a lot more snow, and some of the major roads were shut down today for awhile because of it. But what is going on? It’s only pushing all the farmers back to get their crops in the fields, and with the amount of moisture that we’ve been getting, it could be a couple of weeks until everyone is in full swing of it. It’s hard to say that it should stop raining (and even snowing) because around July and August we’ll be wanting the moisture. But maybe it should stop for a little while now.  Usually around the beginning of May, or once the crops are in, we also try to start riding our bikes to get ready for our annual bike ride. With only 79 more days until the ride, I’m thinking this weather better turn around soon! Both for the farmers and also for our training!

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