Our peacocks

If you have been to our farm lately, or live in our neighborhood, there has been a pretty good chance that you’ve been hearing our peacocks. There is a couple of reasons why. The first one is that they hate fire and smoke. If you are burning trash and they see the fire or smoke in the fire barrel, they will scream all night. They’ve always done this, and I guess it’s a good warning signal for us. The second thing that they hate are storms coming through with thunder. With all the weird weather lately, it’s been giving them a lot of opportunities to let us know that they’re not happy. And tonight I took a picture of a cool cloud that looked so out of character. I’m not sure if it’s a ‘good’ cloud or a bad cloud so I guess we’ll have to wait and see. DSCN6132a The peacocks will get kind of edgy and unsettled,  and will let you know that they’re not happy. I’m in the house tonight with all the windows closed and I can hear them plain as day. But I can also hear some thunder in the background so maybe my cloud wasn’t such a nice cloud after all huh? But if I can hear the thunder, I’m guessing so can they.  I always wonder what other people think when they hear the peacocks screaming though. For us, it’s as common as hearing the roosters in the morning.

As I was walking around in the yard tonight, I was finding more feathers than I was expecting from the peacocks. Now some of them are from the dog scaring them and probably loosing their feathers when they’re flying around trying to get away.  But I’m a little surprised the amount that I’ve been finding,  and that they’ve started to loose their longest feathers already. Usually they don’t loose them so soon. Right now I’ve been storing them in the greenhouse. DSCN6151 By the end of summer, they’ll be gone for someone’s project somewhere. I’ve included a picture of where the peacocks usually hang out. There was 3 of them on the rafters when I first saw them. But when I came back with my camera, only two were left. I wanted to show just how long their tails really are. For how long these feathers are, and how heavy they look, I can see why they would want to drop those big feathers as soon as they can.

Just hanging out

Just hanging out

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