Picking rocks

Well it’s that time of the year again – Rock Picking. After work when Daryl came home, he was wondering if I could help pick up some rock just with the bucket on the tractor. He wanted to get the waterways planted yet tonight, so I thought that it sounded like a good idea. I went on a stress eating binge when I got home, so the thought of trying to redeem myself with some exercise was a little promising. And it’s been a whole year since we picked rock, so the idea sounded good and that was the plan. At first when you start picking rock you think to yourself, man this really feels good. Getting fresh air and some exercise, it’s not so bad. But after awhile you start wondering to yourself, where in the WORLD did these rocks all come from? But it didn’t take too long, and I even talked Daryl into doing a little more than we were planning so we could get the waterways all done. During the time we were picking rock, we had to dump a couple of the bucket loads because the bucket was getting pretty full and we for sure didn’t want to get stuck out in the field. But at the end of the night, it was a good job done and the newness of the spring rock picking is already over for me. Hummm… when were the boys coming home again?

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