Dragging the fields & Concerts

We have early church on Sundays in our parish, and that’s good. We had a couple of things that we needed to get done before we headed down to Ames to visit William.

The one thing that Daryl really wanted to get done was to drag the fields that he planted the oats & alfalfa in yesterday. They were talking rain for tonight and tomorrow, so he wanted to get the oats covered. While he was in the field, I made a quick run to town to pick up some things that we were needing. The goal was to have everything done and be ready to be on the road by noon. So after doing some errands, washing the car, getting it filled up with gas, and picking up dinner to eat in the car, Daryl had gotten both the one field and the strip by the ditch covered and we were ready to head out. We were going to William’s last concert for his Freshman year at college. He only has a couple of weeks left and then he’ll be done. Man, where did that time go? Well the concert started at 3:00 and we made it there by 2:45. We even had time to spare. The kids were working hard on the concert and it was a fantastic time.

All four of the college choirs were together for the performance today

All four of the college choirs were together for the performance today

DSCN6125After the concert and supper, we picked up some of William’s stuff from his dorm and headed home. What a busy weekend, but what a fun weekend!

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