
This morning started by taking back the tiller to the hardware store. And wouldn’t you just know it that when they unloaded it – a pile of mud fell out from under it. Just not cool. It’s supposed to be clean when you bring it back, and I can’t believe that I didn’t get it all when I cleaned it last night. How embarrassing! Especially since I’m going to have to go back and rent it again soon.

So today was the day to get organized. To be honest, I haven’t got into any much of a routine lately, and it was just about time to start. So out came a trusty notepad and I took the time to get my list ready. I had a lot of things on it, and I knew that I might not get it all done, but I was going to try. The morning started out good. I got a bunch of laundry done and hung out for the first time this spring on the line.

First laundry of the spring outside

First laundry of the spring outside

Sometimes in the spring it’s not the best idea to hang clothes out because there are other ‘odors’ in the air from farmers cleaning out their pens. So you really have to watch out for that otherwise you might be doing the same laundry twice. And I’ve had to do that before and it’s very productive.  But today was a good day and I enjoyed digging out the wash line for the clothes. I also got the downstairs cleaned and then I started to work on our clothes closet. This is a very yucky job in my book, but it’s something that needed to get done. I have to change out the winter to summer clothes because the closet isn’t big enough to hold all the seasons. Well, I was just starting into it when I thought to myself, ‘Let’s change it up a bit’. So I completely rearranged and reorganized the whole thing. For awhile it looked like a bomb went off in the room because I literally took everything out from the closet, I had the spring/summer stuff all over the bed,  and then I took out the shelving out. Now I’m really pretty good at sorting out my clothes, so I didn’t have too much for the good will pile, so that was good. What I ended up doing was moving all of Daryl’s clothes to a new spot in the closet and even though it wasn’t like I knocked down walls or anything – but I thought the change was almost as dramatic! For 30 years he’s been the guy who’s clothes is always on the bottom, but now he’s in a whole new spot along with a new spot for his dress clothes. And I must say – after working on it for over 3 hours, it looked fantastic! When I asked Daryl if he noticed that his clothes were moved, guess what he said? He said…. yea.   I guess it’s not as big of a deal as I thought.

So when I was working on the house stuff, Daryl took out the old field cultivator and worked up the ground  by the ditch where we had some water ways put into the field just west of our farm. He wanted to get it seeded down before it started to rain again. I never saw this field cultivator before, and Daryl said he doesn’t use it very much, or hardly at all. But he wanted something small for this job.

Working up the ground by the ditch

Working up the ground by the ditch

And if you remember that he walked the field to mark it for some new hay ground the other day? Well he ended up getting that all worked up and today he spent it seeding oats. I never in the past helped much (or at all) with seeding oats, but today Daryl asked if I could help him get started. OK, now this shouldn’t be too hard right? Well, he started out with the tractor in front of me and I followed him down the road to the field with the truck. It wasn’t long until the drill was filled with both oats, alfalfa, and some grass seed and we were heading down the rows. I was on the tractor and Daryl was checking the drill to make sure that everything was working as it should be. The drill doesn’t get used all that often, and she needs some loving when you first start out. Soon, Daryl was in the driver seat and I was sitting on the tractor fender, hoping that the amount of seed that we had would be enough for the field. And wouldn’t you know it, Daryl got everything done but 1/2 of the last row. He called the seed dealer, but with it being late Saturday night, he was out for the evening. But the dealer gave Daryl the name of his brother, and said that he might come out to his shop and get us a couple of bags to finish. Luck was on our side, and after the rest of the seed was in the drill, it didn’t take Daryl too long until the field was done. We finally ate supper around 9:00 that night, but it was a good and very busy day on the farm.

Working on filling up the drill. Daryl is working with the alfalfa seed in this picture

Working on filling up the drill. Daryl is working with the alfalfa seed in this picture

One bin was for alfalfa and the other was for the oats

One bin was for alfalfa and the other was for the oats

Daryl using the drill to seed oats

Daryl using the drill to seed oats


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