Feeling pretty sassy on Friday

On Thursday, all day I kept hearing how great everyone’s garden is looking and that their produce is so many inches tall. OK, so my garden is still looking pretty bad, so I decided to call my favorite hardware store to reserve the garden tiller for Friday. They wanted to know which one that I wanted to rent. Well, you know how you always think you’re going to remember something and that there would be no way that you’d forget it? Well, that was the case and I thought for sure that I’d remember which one that I had rented, but no such luck. So I just told them – I want the ‘Big’ one. Yea, go big or go home right? Well, I was feeling kind of smug and sassy thinking that I had it reserved and I’m just sure that I was so lucky that no one else wanted it on Friday after work. Well, Friday morning came and I switched vehicles with Daryl and now I’m driving the truck for the day. I needed it to bring home the tiller after work. So after work, I’m driving to the hardware store, and soon we have it loaded in the back of the truck. I’m driving home, just drinking my Diet Coke and just enjoying the nice sunshine. Perfect weather for working in the garden. I was so ready to get the garden looking good and I was really in the mood to start tilling it up. I got home and Daryl was going in all different directions on the farm, but he was able to help me get the tiller unloaded. He looked at me when he saw the size of it, but he didn’t say too much. We finally got in through the garden gate and turned the blades on. Well, that only lasted for about … 2 minutes. And that might just be a maybe. The ground was so wet I had to stop.  Then I had to spend about 15 minutes trying to get the mud off of it, and then another 10 minutes loading it back on the truck – I decided that it was not a successful day after all. And now tomorrow morning I’ll have to bring it back to the hardware store by 7:30 am and pay them for the rent. Humm… probably shouldn’t have been so sassy huh?

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