Yard work

I think Spring is finally here, Yea! The weather finally was warmer than it has been for many months and you can sure tell that everyone is enjoying it! After work I started to work out in the yard. There is a lot to do in the yard, the only good thing about that is that we don’t have too much going on in the farm until June. We’re planning a Kuehner get together at the end of June, so I’ve got some time to get it together. So I started to put out the lawn furniture and then I just couldn’t help to start a bonfire. Some of the chairs that I set out was on the patio, so since I was already there is was a perfect opportunity. When I was checking out the fire pit, I noticed that something was digging in it. Now I don’t know what in the world that was, but I’m pretty sure after the fire that I had, it won’t be a problem anymore.

While I was in the yard, Daryl was working in the cow yard. I heard the skid loader starting and I knew that he wanted to get the yard cleaned out. But when he was doing that, Ed the bull was not happy. He wasn’t happy because the peacocks were screaming again with all the noise of the tractor. But it didn’t take Daryl too long to get it cleaned out and soon he was sitting beside me by me enjoying the fire.

Daryl cleaning out the yard

Daryl cleaning out the yard

We ate supper fast and then Daryl wanted to get back out into the field. He wanted to ‘walk the field’. If you never have heard of this before, it means just exactly what it sounds. He wants to change some of the crops, so he walked the field to measure out where he needs to plow up the ground. He put flags in the field to mark out where he should start and stop, so I hope they stay in until he can get out again.

While Daryl was out walking around in the field, I kept looking around the yard and taking notice of everything to get done. The one thing that caught my eye was the old wash sink that I planted flowers in last year. The reason that I noticed it was because last year it was about 4 feet taller! I never thought that it would sink into the ground like it did with the weight of the dirt. So I thought that I would have to take all the dirt out and start over again. Daryl thinks that he can get it pulled up with some chains. Now I really don’t want to wreck this. Even though it’s probably not worth anything much other than scrap metal – I still really like it. I guess I’ll take a closer look at it later this week.

My flower pot that shrunk into the ground

My flower pot that shrunk into the ground

As for tomorrow – I’m picking up the tiller from town and starting on the garden.


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