Happy Anniversary to us!

Wow, it’s amazing that it’s our 30th anniversary. Do you remember when you were kids and there were pictures of married couples that were celebrating their 25th anniversary in the newspapers? I do, and I used to think, ‘Man those people are OLD!’ Well, now that we’re over the 25th and into the 30 years, I’m thinking that those people might not have been really that old right?

Yesterday started out really fun. Daryl called our name into the local radio station before he left for work, and it was on the radio all day that it was our anniversary. But the fun part was that they draw a couple’s name for an anniversary gift certificate for a local restaurant and we won! Yea!! You know how much we like to go out and eat on the weekends, and this will be a special treat one weekend. My family got wind that we won and then everyone, including my mother, either called or text saying that they were ready to head to the restaurant, when would we be there? I don’t know how much the gift certificate was, but I’m betting that it probably wouldn’t be enough to cover the bill.

Even though they spelled our name wrong - we still are saying that we won!

Even though they spelled our name wrong – we still won!

During the day I was thinking of how some things are pretty much the same as the years go by when you get married, and then there are some things that are so different. What I mean by different is that I have the perfect example. Well, the night started out with Daryl bringing home some flowers, which was very nice. We told each other that there was going to be no gifts, because our anniversary gift was going to Chicago for the weekend. But Daryl didn’t follow the rules and bought me flowers. (good move!)

A dozen roses - very nice

A dozen roses – very nice

Anyway, we were planning on heading out for supper, but decided to open the Champagne that the hotel gave us in Chicago before we left. So Daryl just got done opening it, when the phone rang.

Daryl has kind of a suspicious look on his face

Daryl has kind of a suspicious look on his face

So at first I thought that this was really bad luck right? I knew that it couldn’t be anyone in my family, because we had been talking all day about how they wanted to use our free certificate. But the phone was ringing and I mean, Champagne.. flowers.. going out for supper, it was really heading down a good path. But now who could this be? So as I’m pouring the drinks, I could hear Daryl’s voice getting pretty serious and I thought, now what? I thought come on man, priorities, priorities. But then I heard him say something about the corn head for the combine that he had for sale and then I completely changed my attitude. The phone call was someone that saw the farm machinery ad in the spokesman and then I thought, Great! Maybe we can sell the corn head tonight and that would really be a good night. Too funny! I guess my priorities have come a long way in 30 years! Then a little bit later Daryl walked through the room and man he really smelled good. You know when you just think – something smells good and you don’t really register what the smell is? Well, the only thing that I saw was Daryl, so putting two and two together, that’s when I thought he really smelled good. But as I was thinking more of this, I realized that what I was smelling was that he just made a fresh batch of popcorn in the popcorn machine and had a bowl in his hands as he was walking around. Yea, this would be another example of how things might have changed over the years. I used to like the smell of Brut or Calvin Klein – now I was getting excited about popcorn!

Soon we found ourselves at the Supper Club where we went after our wedding reception. We went there because when we got engaged, the dance hall was already booked for the night. We had a great meal, and back home we went to lock up the chickens and Reno for the night.

What a great day and anniversary! Today was also another anniversary. 32 years ago we went on our first date. I tried to find the movie that we went to that night, but couldn’t find it to rent or buy. I guess we’ll just have to wait until our next big anniversary to watch it. Maybe I can get Daryl to make some more popcorn 🙂img280a

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