Not looking too good

So I checked again on my tomatoes in the green house tonight. I’m not sure why I thought that they would miraculously look like they recovered – but when I checked them they still looked bad. They looked really bad and I’m pretty sure that they are dead, what do you think?

What tomatoes?

What tomatoes?

When Daryl and I were watching the best movie in the whole wide world tonight – The Wizard of Oz, the wind started to pick up. It was such a crazy wind and it just didn’t sound right, so we ran outside to put the car and truck in the shed. It really sounded like it was going to start to hail. But eventually it slowed down and it never did hail, Thank goodness! I talked to our friend who lives in Wisconsin and by 8:00 pm tonight he had over an inch of new snow. OK, I guess as long as it didn’t hail, I’ll take the wind.

I finally got a couple of boxes ready to send to the boys tonight. They are being sent later than I had planned because the last batch of beef jerky turned out so bad that I didn’t want to send them until I made some new stuff. On Sunday my brother stopped in with some meat from their farm and after dehydrating 4 pounds of beef jerky, the boxes can be taped and mailed tomorrow. I wish I would have kept track of how much beef jerky that I’v made so far. I think it would have been a lot!


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