Noisy Saturday

Finally, we were able to get some sun shine on Saturday. I don’t know about you, but when it’s always raining and cold outside, just a little bit of the sun sure makes you feel better. And that’s what happened on Saturday. We woke up to some pretty cold weather and by the mid morning – who would have guessed it? Yup, the sun came out. This is the first time in quite a few days that it wasn’t raining or snowing and it sure felt good. Daryl spend most of the day working on getting machinery out of the sheds, and ready for planting. His first project was to change the blades on the field cultivator.

Daryl working on the field cultivator

Daryl working on the field cultivator

He said that he hadn’t changed them for some time and he was paying for it this year. Literally! But the funny thing was that he had the air compressor going and was pounding the blades, and our peacocks just HATE noise so they would just be standing on the top of the sheds in the yard screaming. I think they were trying to get over the noise that Daryl was making. And at the end of the day, I couldn’t tell who was actually louder. But I do know that the peacocks were glad when Daryl finally got done with the blades and went onto washing the rest of the equipment that he took out.

Washing up the equipment for spring

Washing up the equipment for spring

As for me,  after I took a picture of Daryl fixing the cultivator I went to get the mail. I was just checking out how much water was standing in the ditch when something caught my eye. You know when you just aren’t sure what you’re looking at and then you feel like you are on a Three Stooges show? You get closer and closer and closer until you’re right on top of it. I first saw just this small thing coming out of the hole underneath the water and then my eyes got big and I knew if I screamed no one would even hear me with the rest of the noise going on in the yard. It was a SNAKE! Yea, really not a good thing. I remembered that I had the camera in my pocket from the picture that I just took of Daryl, and I was able to snap a quick picture of this terrible snake. Once I knew just exactly what I was looking at, I didn’t want to get close again, so to be honest I didn’t even know if I caught him on camera or not. But I was lucky and if you look really close in the picture, you can see that he was under the water when I took it. He just took his nose out of the water for air or something because I could see bubbles coming from him. For an instant I thought that I should grab him and throw him on the road. Then I got my sanity back and came to my senses again and just stood and watched him come out of the hole even further.  Now I’m not sure why snakes are living in the water from spring in our ditch – but I”m hoping for his sake and mine, that we don’t meet up again this year.

Not cool.

Not cool.

There are a LOT of rocks in both of ditches that will need to be cleaned out.

There are a LOT of rocks in both of ditches that will need to be cleaned out.

I also spent part of the day making four pounds of beef jerky and it turned out terrible. It was so weird of crumbly that it kind of fell apart. It doesn’t taste too bad, but it still just doesn’t taste right either. So Reno has become my best friend. She gets this jerky as treats and because of her breath now, I had to buy her breath biscuits. I’ll have to ask my brother’s if I can get some of their farm hamburger to make the next batches of jerky, it works so much better.

A lot of work that didn't turn out so good

A lot of work that didn’t turn out so good

I checked in on my seeds in the greenhouse today. They are not looking good at all. It snowed the last couple of nights and I would have thought that really didn’t get that cold to bother them. Well, I was wrong. I’ll try to snap a picture tomorrow to show you my tomatoes. It looks like I won’t have to worry so much about having too many cherry tomato plants. I guess that’s a good thing, right?

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