
It’s funny how you don’t really realize how there are no birds just hanging out in the winter until it’s Spring. I don’t know if you have birds where you live, but on the farm you can get just about any kind of bird that there is. Now our dog just HATES birds! If she hears some loud bird out in the yard or shed, she’ll bark and bark until they’re gone. Now granted, when she’s running through the yard with her head straight up into the air barking at a bird going over the farm – well… let’s just say it’s not a very good first impression. And once in awhile we’ll have Bald Eagles here and that almost puts her over the edge. So today when I was outside it was so noisy with all the birds chirping! I think everyone, including the birds were very excited to think that Spring is actually here.

This is a welcome sight these days - everyone loves to see Robins

This is a welcome sight these days – everyone loves to see a Robin


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