Just got home

What a great weekend Daryl and I had! We try to go somewhere every year for our anniversary, but because it looks like it’s going to be a late spring, we headed to Chicago for a long weekend instead of waiting for the end of April to head out. Having an anniversary at the end of April isn’t always the most favorable if you are married to a farmer and want to spend time together – well other than in the field I mean . So like I said we went to Chicago and spent Friday through today there.  We saw tons of stuff and I took tons of pictures (shock huh?) But once we got home tonight, I think I lost all my ambition to do much of anything, much less to download the pictures onto the computer. The only two things that I actually accomplished so far was to get Reno our dog from the kennel, and to pick up some milk from the store. Yea, I can’t really say that I’ve been too ambitious. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I get home from a long weekend, I just want to sit and stare at the TV or take a long hot bath.  As I’m sitting here writing this post in our parlor, I’m looking at what I’ve started so far for seeds  in the house.  I know that I’ve got to start a couple more plants yet before I need to plant them outside, so I will do that before I go to bed. Well, I hope I’ll do that before I go to bed. And for tomorrow?  It’ll be fun to go through my pictures and start posting some of the really cool ones. I mean, you just have to be getting excited to see pictures of the worlds largest bean right?

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