What a mess!

During the night last night it started to snow. Now normally this isn’t such a big deal but we have had so much rain lately that it wasn’t soaking into the fields and that created a huge mess! Almost all the schools were cancelled today because if you weren’t having water running over your roads, you had so much snow over mud that it made it nearly impossible  with a car or a school bus.

The park in the town where I work

The park in the town where I work

Daryl and I talked about the roads tonight and we don’t ever remember them being this bad. It was so bad (sounds like a joke doesn’t it?) anyway… it was so bad tonight that I literally met the road grader guy just driving back to town without working on the road. He tried to grade our road and it was next to impossible. I think he knew that he was making it worse. Daryl also said that he wasn’t going to scrape the yard because it’ll just make a huge mud pile. But I did let the chickens out and I just laughed at them. They were just squawking and making so much noise when I was by the coop that I decided to let them out. Well they weren’t so brave then. They just  stood in the doorway and tried to peck at the mud without actually going out into it.

Not so brave now are they

Not so brave now are they

I also took a couple of pictures after work of the snow in our yard. This snow is so heavy, but still kind of pretty. I’m hoping that with all the heavy snow that we got, that it won’t break too many branches off the young grove.

Pretty heavy snow this time and it's not so good for the trees

Pretty heavy snow this time and it’s not so good for the trees

But the snow was on the North side of the tree and the old saying is that when the snow sticks to the north side of the tree, it’s supposed to be the last snow of the season. I guess time will tell if this is going to be true or not.

I laughed when I saw this picture. It looks like I took it's a black and white photo

I laughed when I saw this picture. It looks like I took it’s a black and white photo

It looks like it'll be awhile until I can get into the greenhouse

I think it’ll be awhile until I can get into the greenhouse

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2 Responses to What a mess!

  1. tammy k. says:

    the third picture, the one with the greenhouse, is really striking! it looks like it should be a puzzle, or framed in a set with similar pics. very pretty!

    we have had a lot of precipitation the last couple weeks, too. not complaining because it’s knocking down that drought number finally. our streets are going to need help, too. in fact, i just ordered rock to be delivered in front of the house because the road is just such a mess where we park.

  2. farm2011 says:

    It sounds like you have a lot of muddy roads also! We’re expecting more snow tonight and with the cold weather today, it should be OK for a couple of days.

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