Getting ready for Card Club

It’s that time of the year again and that means Card Club at our house! Yea!! I’m excited. For some reason last year we didn’t have a party and I’m really not sure why. I know that we were getting ready for William’s graduation, but that kind of sounds like an excuse and not a reason. Anyway, we’re having one this year and it’s next weekend. So today we went to town to find the low prizes. We play Euchre and the high scores win money, while the bottom scores get a gift. It’s always a challenge to find just the ‘perfect gift’ and I’m thinking that this year we found some gits that we’ve never seen at any card club before. Now I’m thinking that usually people don’t want to win low prize at our house because they know that we try to out do ourselves ever year for something that they would never buy themselves, but I bet secretly they just love our gifts.

When we were heading to town the gravel roads are absolutely terrible with all the rain that we’ve been having. You have to drive fast enough so you don’t get stuck, and slow enough so when you’re getting pulled to the ditch you can stop. It’s kind of like driving on a frozen river and you’re just trying to keep it between the trees. Or in this case, the ditches. But we don’t have a terrible amount of gravel and soon we were at our local gas station and putting gas into the car. It was just a little embarrassing because we hit a lot of mud and junk that splashed up on the car and the whole windshield and hood was solid wet mud. But after looking around at the other cars at the gas station, guess what? We weren’t the only ones that lived on a gravel road.

It looks like the mailbox will have to get painted again this year

It looks like our mailbox will have to get painted again this year

I took a couple of pictures of how wet the fields are. With the frost still in the ground and the culverts still shut, there’s isn’t anywhere else for the water to go other than on the roads. I’m a little worried for tomorrow morning though. The road east of us is starting to get flooded and also the road west of us has water going over the road. Now if I only had my kayak…

Tomorrow morning could be interesting

Tomorrow morning could be interesting

Hoping that the culverts open us soon to help get rid of the water

Hoping that the culverts open us soon to help get rid of the water

A picture of a field not too far from us

A field not too far from us

After we got home I wanted to catch up on my coupons. It was one of those things that I put off a couple of weeks and now with card club coming up, I wanted to see just what I had. The last time that I went coupon shopping I saved $67. I’m thinking the next time won’t be as good, but every bit helps right? How our card club works is that the host couple makes the food. You can have as little or as much as you want. So I’m not sure why Daryl thinks that we should cut back. OK, I might have made just a little bit too much these past years -but it’s so nice to make the food and have someone actually eat it. Around our house it’ll be in the fridge for awhile and when we’re kind of sick looking at it – out it goes. I like to try out new things and this is the perfect time to do it. I’m sure that I won’t be able to top the one year though. It was the year of recipes with cream cheese. I think I used 17 boxes of cream cheese on just the desserts. My recipes are usually not the fat free kind.

I’m also still looking for the perfect thing for behind my couch and I thought that I might have found it this weekend. I’ve been checking the local antique store out and saw these two old stain glass doors. Now I’m thinking that this might just work, and after going to the store about three or four times, I thought that I should either buy them or quit stalking the poor woman.  So as I was standing there just trying to visualize how this would look on the wall, the owner gave me a great deal (she threw off 1/3 the cost) and I bought them. Maybe she was just tired of me coming there, I don’t know. But when I got them home, I found a better spot for them. I put them in my kitchen above the cupboards and I really like how they look. So I still have nothing for the living room.

My new windows on top of the kitchen cupboards

My new windows on top of the kitchen cupboards

As for tonight, I’ve got beef jerky cooking in the basement. I don’t think we’ve ever had beef jerky at card club before, and I think it should go over pretty good. And even though it’s in the basement, it really makes the whole house smell, well … like beef jerky. I thought it was only 6:00 when I put it in the dehydrator tonight but it was 7:00! I guess we missed setting a clock this morning to the new time. It takes around 4 hours to dry, so I’m hoping that it’ll be done by 11:00. I hate it when the time changes!

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2 Responses to Getting ready for Card Club

  1. Bruce says:

    Send that rain to us. We are 60% below normal heck we would even take some snow. It was 80 here today. Let’s see some muddy car pictures.

    • farm2011 says:

      I should have taken a picture of the car before I washed it the other day. It was so dirty that I couldn’t see out of any of the side windows. I. knew that it would be dirty by the time that I got home, but I needed to get rid of some of the dirt
      We went out driving on some of the roads Saturday night and you just hoped that you didn’t get stuck. School buses are not driving on most of the gravel roads now. It’s just crazy!

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