Whew! What a busy couple of days

It’s Sunday and after a very busy week, we  pretty much spent the whole day just hanging out. We had card club last night and with the house cleaned and leftovers in the fridge, the only thing left was to just veg out and take a nap.

So what have we been doing the last couple of days? We’ve been cleaning and cooking to get ready for card club. Now some of the work that we did was self inflicted. One of the things that happened was that Daryl was washing down the walls in the living room and noticed that the one wall had some scratches on it. Now now big deal, and I knew that we had a pail of paint downstairs that had the paint in it that matched the wall where it was scratched.  So I thought it matched. Well, I ran downstairs in the basement, grabbed the paint pail and after it was stirred, Daryl painted up the scratches. I’m not sure if you’ve ever experienced this before – but you know when you watch someone doing something and you think to yourself, ‘you know that just doesn’t look right’ Then you get really warm and realize that you should have looked at the paint pail much closer. Yup, it wasn’t the right paint. But maybe this was not a bad thing, even though painting wasn’t really on my list to do, it did give me the chance to put up another color on the wall. We are still getting used to it. I went from a reddish plum color to a grey color.

You can see where the paint was touched  up

You can see where the paint was touched up

After repainted

After repainted

I made my shopping list and checked it twice (maybe even three or four times) and when it  came down to it, I had to get a couple more things from the store. Now not too many, but I didn’t know what I could substitute for half and half cream so stuff like that. But I think the food went over well and the final count was 14 1/2 cream cheese, 13 sticks of butter, and not sure to be honest how much sour cream. We do have leftovers, but with William home for the week, I’m hoping that he’ll help clean it up.

Even the wash basin in our back bathroom got a face lift. I had ordered a special plant that can grow with a shallow pot and into my wash bowl it went. I do like now it looks and I’m hoping that it stays alive for awhile. It cost a little more than I was expecting.

It looks good so far...

It looks good so far…

I also figured out that I would just put a picture that we had above the couch in our living room and call it done. I’ve been wondering just what to put on that wall and couldn’t come up with what I was hoping for. So we put this one picture up and it doesn’t look too bad, so I guess I’ll leave it up for awhile.

It'll be OK for now. I think if I can find something small for beside it, it might look better.

It’ll be OK for now. I think if I can find something small for beside it, it might look better.

Now don’t think we’ve been working all week. We still had time to go out on Friday for fish with my brother and sister in law. This week we changed it up a little bit, and went to a new restaurant in Decorah for shrimp and salmon. It was really good and I’m thinking that we’ll go back there again some time. But Lent is coming to a close very soon, and we’ll have to figure out another reason to check out the local restaurants. It’s been really fun!

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