
I know that sometimes technology can really very frustrating and you wonder if we really do need it anyway. But tonight William had a concert that we didn’t go to, and he called about 10 minutes before it was going to start and said that it was going to be on the ISU website. So we logged onto the computer quick to see the Webcast …. and it worked! Now I’m sure that others are used to this technology, but this was a first for us watching a live Webcast and it was really cool. And it was so easy. I tried to call Kyle because he’s never been able to go to William’s concerts and this would have been the perfect chance to see one. But he must be out for the night because we didn’t get a hold of him. The only bad thing about the Webcast was that it was a one time deal and you can’t watch it again. So I quick ran to get my video camera and I thought that I’d tape it. I have no idea why I can’t keep that video camera charged when I need it, and tonight I had the same problem. You guessed it, dead. So I thought that I’d grab my camera because I can tape from there. But after I started taping I realized that the scan disk card wasn’t reading. So I grabbed my other camera and it worked. But I knew that the video camera would be so much better, so back to find the charger for the video camera and I was in business again. I thought if someone was watching us, I bet it looked a little funny. On our table I had two cameras, the video camera, the charger for the video camera, the charger for the laptop, laptop speakers, and the charger for the laptop speakers. And there in the middle of all of this was Daryl and I watching the laptop with the video camera taping it. I was glad that I did though. Now for some reason when I wanted to transfer the taping from the video camera over to the computer it’s not working. OK, maybe this is the part of technology that’s frustrating.

Watching William's concert on the computer tonight

Watching William’s concert on the computer tonight

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