How people see things

This morning was absolutely breathtaking! When I was driving to work, everything was covered in frost and it could not have been prettier. Then to make it even more beautiful, as I just started driving the sun was coming up and you could see the low haze kind of dissolving and it made the trees even more amazing. Now for 30 years I’ve never called in that I couldn’t go to work, but this morning was very tempting. It would have been a perfect day to spend just taking pictures. But my conscience got the best of me and I headed south to work.  Before I left though, I had about 2 minutes to snap a picture,  and I took a picture of the shovel in front of our house. OK, I know it’s not the most conventional picture, but it really shows how thick the frost was. Once I got to work I asked a coworker what he thought of the beautiful scenery this morning. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about. What? I then told him with the sun hitting the trees this morning it looked like they were dipped in glitter. He looked at me like I drove in to work from Mars or something, and then said that he really doesn’t have any scenery on the roads that he drives in the morning. First of all, that’s a fib. I drove that road for 20 years in my past job and there’s a lot of farms and trees all along the drive. Then second of all, I didn’t dare tell him that I was sitting on the cement this morning trying to snap a quick picture of our snow shovel. Oh well, I guess it’s just shows that everyone sees things differently.

A picture of our snow shovel this morning. I took the picture to show how thick the frost was.

A picture of our snow shovel this morning. I took the picture to show how thick the frost was.

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