Found treasure

Well you know that I’ve had trouble trying to figure out what to put on the wall in my living room above the couch, so tonight I thought I’d explore the attic and see if I could come up with any ideas there. Now if you don’t have an attic, I kind of feel bad for you. This is where the ‘good’ stuff is stored. In our attic this statement is true, but also I have some stuff that probably should get thrown or given to Good Will. I laughed when I saw this one box that is the perfect example of something that should be looked into. The outside of the box is labeled “Junk”. I remember when William saw this box for the first time and he just couldn’t believe it. I think his exact words were “Really Mom?” Well just wait until he gets old. But as I was seeing if I could find anything kind of cool for the wall, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that caught my attention. As I got closer I could feel this big silly grin coming across my face. What I was looking at was my two dolls  from when I was a kid. Now I love these dolls, and I haven’t seen them for 30 years. They’ve been in the back of the attic just waiting for someone to come and play with them. When I was standing there just admiring them, it’s funny how you can remember like yesterday playing with them and brushing their hair. These dolls also could walk so that made them even so much cooler than anyone elses!

My dolls

My dolls

Since I was way back in the corner of the attic I started to look for my next favorite thing as a kid – my ventriloquist doll. It didn’t take too long and I found him by the almost done Titanic model. Now this ventriloquist doll hasn’t had the best of luck in my years growing up. I’m not trying to judge anyone, but when we were growing up,  we would have some relatives come over and it never failed – something would be broke before they left. So when we knew that they were going to visit us, we hid our good toys. For some reason I forgot about Mickey my ventriloquist doll and before the day was over, the band inside his body was broke and he didn’t work anymore. Now you can call it coincidence….. but I call it bad luck. But the good thing is that it wouldn’t take too much to fix him and then all he really needs is a good bad.DSCN5786

So as I was hanging out in the attic and looking at some of my toys when I was a kid, I couldn’t help to remember how many hours that I would play with each one and that no matter what – I would just never give them up! I also thought how funny it was to be able to remember like yesterday playing with these toys from about 40 years ago, but I couldn’t remember just exactly what I did last week. I guess the saying is true, you do remember the good stuff of life.


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