Knipco Heaters

If you live on a farm, you are probably familiar with something that is called a knipco heater. This is a small portable heater that has a lot of different uses. Now I’m sure that everyone probably has their list of what they use theirs for, and like everyone else, we also have our list. Our knipco can be used to keep small puppies warm on a cold day in the barn, you can use it to help keep the pipes inside a building warm so they don’t freeze and bust, it can be used to warm up the milk barn when the wind is blowing outside and you’re in the middle of milking cows, and for today it was used to thaw the cows water tank. When it gets so cold outside, there is always a chance that the water can freeze up. What you usually do, is that you have to check on it every day to make sure that it’s not froze. If it freezes, the cows have no way to get water and believe me the cows can drink a lot of water. You always hope that it isn’t frozen – but tonight it was. I guess the cold weather finally caught up to it and even with all the insulation and an internal heater on, it froze up. So Daryl took the faithful knipco out, made sure it had enough fuel in it, and then started to thaw the water out. It didn’t take too long, and soon the cows were happy to get a fresh drink of water. But after the cow water was thawed, he went into the milk house only to find out that that water was also froze. Le’s just say thank goodness for knipco’s.

Knipko heaters - a very good invention

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2 Responses to Knipco Heaters

  1. bruce says:

    I use a knipco propane heater to dry my nuts. Pistachios that is.

    • farm2011 says:

      Daryl loves our knipco, and I guess you can say that I’ve grown fond of it also on these cold days. As for drying nuts, sounds like a good plan!

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