Gone Shopping

Last week I decided to go shopping, and to my surprise I bought something that I’ve been putting off for a couple of years. What was it? It was a new pair of sunglasses. OK really…sunglasses right? But I just couldn’t find any that I liked, and to be honest I really liked the ones that I had so why buy new ones. But there was a reason why I really needed new ones, and it’s just not a very attractive story. But here it goes.

I was traveling quite a bit a couple of years ago with my old job and most of the travel was back and forth to Mexico. So if you are going to Mexico for work or fun – you better be bringing your sun glasses. Well on one of the trips that I was on, I had just gotten back to the local airport and I was traveling alone. I was really anxious to get home and was feeling pretty good about the trip. So once I found my car, I threw the luggage in the back and started to find the ticket booth to pay for my parking ticket. But before I went too far, on went my sunglasses. I was feeling pretty good and when I pulled up to the booth the lady just looked at me and then looked away. It was like she didn’t want to make any eye contact with me. So I was thinking – man I must really look great in my sun glasses. I knew that I did, but didn’t think it would cause this much of a stare. So when I went for some money to pay for my ticket, I could see her out of the corner of my eye staring again. Weird. But I paid for my ticket and started to drive away. I was thinking that I bet this lady would really want some sun glasses like mine. She couldn’t even take her eyes off them. Then as I’m driving away, there is a stop sign close by that I had to stop at, and of course I thought I should look how good these glasses actually look. When I looked in the mirror I saw what this poor woman was seeing. Yea, I’m thinking now at this point she was wondering what in the world was wrong with me! My jaw just dropped and I just sat there for a few seconds just in disbelief.

So this was a couple of years ago, and like I said – I actually splurged this past week and bought some new sun glasses. So far so good with them, but it’s only been a week so far and I haven’t been in public too much either 🙂

Check out why this poor lady was just staring at me. I was wearing the glasses and the one lens popped out in my purse during the flight home without me realizing it when I was wearing them. So what she was looking at was my sunglasses with one of the lens gone! They’ve popped out a lot after since, but I was much smarter to always double check before I put them on.

OK, maybe I wasn't looking so cool after all

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2 Responses to Gone Shopping

  1. tammy k. says:

    that’s funny! i’m pretty religious about wearing my sunglasses. my friend says it’s because i don’t want wrinkles, but really it’s because i don’t want eye problems!

  2. Sherry Elwood says:

    I am glad you got new sunglasses Bonnie! This story always makes me laugh:)

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