In the yard

After I let Reno out when I got home from work tonight, we just kind of hung out in the yard – just checking stuff out. While we were out there, I kept hearing this one crazy bird just really, really loud. Once I found it way up in the tree in the grove, I didn’t know if it was a crow or black bird. All I knew is that it was very loud. So after a couple of minutes listening to it, I went to the house to grab ‘the big camera’ to see if I could get a cool picture of it. The sky was bright blue, the tree was a green pine tree, and the bird was black. So knowing all of this -it  should be a great picture right? Well, the bird got kind of weird. When I was standing by the barn trying to get a good shot, all of a sudden the bird went behind this one branch. OK, maybe coincidence right? So I moved to try to get a better picture and the bird moved again. So by this time, I extended the lens and my plan was to just take the picture. When I tried to find the bird now on my camera, I couldn’t see it. What happened is that the bird flew away. I was trying to figure out just what was going on, and so now I’m thinking that he must have thought that I was going to shoot him. Little does he know that I really don’t have a gun to shoot him with – well not yet anyway.

I also checked out the greenhouse and found that the windy weather that we’ve had lately took a toll on the side panels. There are just a couple of panels that need to be put back on to start to get ready for me to start the seeds that I bought the other day.

The next stop was to check out the garden. We usually put the greenery from Christmas in the garden for the winter, and then in the spring we burn what ever is left from it. I feel kind of bad for it because it still looks so nice. But I guess there comes a time when you just have to let it go. 

I also took a picture of what the fields look like around our farm. It’s crazy to think that it’s mid January and we don’t have much (or any) snow around. I heard on the radio today that there is this one snow celebration in a nearby town this coming weekend. It’s usually a big day for area snowmobilers because it means poker runs and fun times just hanging out. I guess this year they’ll just have to hang out or do the poker runs with their cars instead. I’m sure either way, they’ll have a good time.

Not much snow around our farm this time of the year

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