No Ears

I made huge progress last night with the cows. In the past when they would see me with apples, they would come running – literally! But when we sold Rion, everything changed. They didn’t want to trust me for nothing. I’ve been trying to get them to come to me again for some apple treats an I had  no luck at all.

So last night I waited for them to get hungry and tried it again. It was my last apple in the refrigerator and I thought to myself that if they didn’t eat it this time, I was going to give up for awhile. I cut the apple into fourths and headed outside. They were all standing in the cow yard when I got to them and they seemed just a little bit more interested tonight. Maybe I might just have some good luck? Well I took the first piece and showed it to them, but they all just stood and wouldn’t come closer. So I threw it to Ed and then what little ears No Ears has left kind of perked up. By the time I got to the third piece, over she came and ate it out of my hands. YEA!  I think we’re back to being friends again. It also looks like I’ll have to get to the grocery store sometime this week and get some more apples!

Ed, Sassy, and No Ears

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