Sunday, Cleaning and seed packets

William left yesterday to head back to college, and now it sure seems like the house is so quiet without the boys home. They were both able to be home before Christmas, so these past 4 to 5 weeks went by really fast. So today I spent the day cleaning the house and getting it put back together. It wasn’t bad, but I just needed to catch up on stuff that I’ve been putting off. With 5 loads of laundry done, recycling organized and taken to town, kitchen cleaned, floors scrubbed, I got another bag for Good Will,vacuuming done,  and the entry room cleaned, it sure felt good. I know that I’ve said this before, but we are either the messiest or the cleanest people.  My guess is that we are not the cleanest, so it must be the other one.

I also wanted to get the outside lights taken down, but man it was really cold today. The wind was blowing pretty good and the only thing that I got done with the lights is that I took the ones that were already taken down from the porch, and then some of the other lights that were on the milk house and the garage and  stored them in the Roadhouse for now. Hopefully I’ll get them put away this week sometime.

Like I said, it was really cold today with the wind blowing, and it seemed to blow right into the chicken house. I did find the bushel basket today that has been lost for weeks, so after the chickens got a good bedding, Daryl and I  put up some new plastic on the open screened windows. I did have some plastic already put up on the windows a couple of weeks ago, but the chickens pecked it to pieces. Literally! They must have been bored or something because they completely destroyed it. So tonight we put the plastic on the outside of the windows instead of inside where the chickens got to it last time. It should work better. I guess time will tell. At least for tonight, the chickens will be nice and warm.

So now after a long hot shower, I started to check out what I bought on Saturday. On Saturday I was just hanging out in the back aisles in the discount store, when I felt my body just being sucked into the seed aisle. I just stood and I could feel that I had a glazed look come over me. It was one of those things when you know that it just didn’t make sense that you should get that excited about seed packets – but I did. OK, after a couple of people came and went by the garden area, I started to pick out packets for us. I know that William had some leftover from last year, but I realized that they were still outside and if they get wrecked with cold weather, they were bad. To be honest, I think I was just trying to justify buying more. So after trying to figure out what flowers and vegetables that we needed, my eyes were peeled on this one packet. I had one of those moments when you think… ‘don’t do it’… but I grabbed it anyway and into my cart it went. Just think how many cherry tomatoes that I can grow this year with this new type 🙂 It’ll take a lot of discipline this year not to over plant these guys. I haven’t had too good of luck in the past with the discipline part, so wish me luck for this year!

Maybe not such a good idea - but it looks like fun though!

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