Greasy Roads

Tonight when I was driving home after work and I found some geese just hanging out on the side of the road in this one pond. There was more ice than water, but the geese didn’t seem to mind. They were so funny because they looked at me like they weren’t doing anything wrong and when I looked at them it looked like they were lost. Funny how maybe both scenarios could be right. 

After I checked out the geese,  I made my way back home. When I turned off the highway and was driving on our gravel road to our farm, that’s  when I decided that the gravel roads were really ‘greasy‘. Now isn’t that a funny way to describe a road? What it means is that the road kind of makes your car slide on it because it’s so soft. You really have to be careful, otherwise it’ll pull you into the ditch if you’re not watching. So I’m not sure where the word ‘greasy’ fits in, but it’s such a good word to describe it. With the roads being so dirty and sloppy, I’m thinking that Daryl  yesterday had good intentions when he had the car washed. But I sure can say is that I was sure glad that I had my new tires on the car to help me get home on these sloppy roads!

Pretty greasy roads in our neck of the woods

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