Cold and Rainy

I’m trying to get some ambition to go outside and check on the animals and feed them for the night. I have supper made and even that wasn’t as successful as I wanted it to be, I guess you can say that it worked. I had thawed some hamburger from last night and started the grill up for supper. Someone at work told me about how he makes his hamburgers and it sounded pretty good. So tonight I was going to give it a try. I separated the meat into 4 sections and then separated them once again. On one part of the patty I put mushrooms and cheese and then covered it up with another smaller burger on top. Sounds like it should work right? Wrong. First, because it was so windy and wet outside, the grill kept going out. Finally I just gave up and brought the burgers inside to put on an electric griddle. It worked ‘ok’ but now I have a mess. The cheese oozed out on the sides and there extra stuff all over in the pan. It’s one of those things when I wised I would have made goulash instead. But now it’s time to get my farm boots on and head outside.

Oh yea, guess what? We had another tire going flat yesterday so Daryl took it in to get fixed. But it sounds like we really needed all new tires for our car instead of just fixing this flat. So with over 200,000 miles on her now, I guess she’ll be good for another couple of thousand miles again.

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One Response to Cold and Rainy

  1. tammy k. says:

    i tried that once with burgers and had the same thing happen. gave it up, too! we have the rain and damp here and are all just getting over being sick. hope you guys all stay healthy. this flu is a real kicker.

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