Still getting ready for winter

It seems no matter how much you work to get ready for winter, you’re just never quite ready until it’s cold outside. We looked around the other day and realized that there was a water line outside that needed to be covered, and in the Roadhouse those water lines needed to be drained and the heat strips put on so they wouldn’t freeze. Even Reno got into the act. Daryl came home with this really nice water bowl for her – and like the chickens water bowls, it’s also heated. The Chevelle is back in the Roadhouse, along with the mower and the 4 wheeler. The only thing left is to lock the cows on the cow yard because we won’t want them out in the pasture if we get a lot of snow. They could walk over the fences if the snow banks are high enough. And even though that would be kind of cool to see – it would only be cool if it wasn’t your cattle. Then I think we’ll be ready for the winter. Reno has been spending most of the evenings in our house until it’s time to go to bed, and then back outside she goes. She’s been pretty good about it, and that makes it so much easier. Daryl even has gotten his first cold of the season, and he’s hoping that it won’t last  too long – and so do I.

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