
Have you ever had one of those days when you think that there is absolutely no way you are going to get everything done? Well, I had one of them today. I seem to get more and more behind both at work and at home. I knew that I had it nice last Christmas being at home for really the first time, but I guess I didn’t know how good it really was. But, that was in the past right? So now I’m just trying to keep my head on and make good lists. After kind of a stressful day at work, I got called from someone at work when I almost home and found out that I left my work keys there. And when I was almost home for the first time today I was thinking, Man this is Great!  I’ll get home before it actually gets dark. But once I turned around and went back to the plant, there was little sunlight left. Oh well.

I’ve also been working on getting the cows more tame, but that’s not going so well either. I try to coax them with apples, but they still don’t want any part of that since they saw what happened to Rion. I’ve been working on naming our new bull, and haven’t come up with anything that I like yet. Some names are in the running – but nothing for sure yet.

Then to end my night, all I wanted to do was to move the Christmas tree over just a smidgen… and BAM down it came. Now if this was the first time that this happened I wouldn’t feel so bad, but it was the third time the tree fell this week. Off I ran to get some towels to clean up all the water that was spreading on our wood floor and I’m telling you that we have the cleanest living room floor in the county. I’m positive that smashing on the floor three times is not very good for it at all, but the tree really doesn’t look that bad. I’m kind of holding off putting the ornaments on it, you know.. just in case we get to number four.

I’m sure tomorrow will be better. But for now I’m going to put on my jammies and I think I’ll see if I can make a couple of cards that I would like get done.

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