Waking up

I don’t know about you, but when I wake up in the morning, the first thing that I think about is what I want to get done that day. When I woke up this morning, I could have sworn that it was Monday, and after asking Daryl to see really what day it was, I found out that it was Sunday – yea for me! But it was kind of weird. Usually when you wake up and you’re not sure what day it is,  you end up finding out that it’s a work day, not the weekend. So all day it seemed like it was a ‘free’ day. So how did I spend my free day? Well after the house was cleaned and laundry done, Daryl and I put up the plastic on the chicken house. With our first snow of the season last night, I was worried that the chickens might be getting too cold. I wanted to see if the large pop plastic bags that you get for recycling would work on the windows, and they worked great.

It might not the prettiest, but it works

At least with the plastic up it’ll help the eggs from freezing for awhile. After a fresh batch of sugar cookies out of the oven,  I also still have some extra lights, so I decorated a couple more trees out in the yard. I’ts funny how a little snow gets you in the spirit.  Then I placed an order on line that included some new SD cards for my camera. I just want to say that I really needed them.

And how did this day end? Well, my Mom made some home made noodle soup, so my two brothers and I spent supper at Ma’s with our favorite meal. Man, I’m sure glad that it was a free day and not a work day.

It started snowing late last night and by morning we had a white blanket on the ground

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4 Responses to Waking up

  1. Judy says:

    Nobody told me about noodle soup at mom’s!!

  2. tammy k. says:

    what a pretty picture with the snow! i’m ready for some snow here in illinois to get me more in the spirit.

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