Pickled fish and corn cobs

First – pickled fish. I was surprised when I found out that the friend that I gave some garden produce to, sent over a jar of pickled trout. I’ve had pickled fish when I was growing up that my mom would make, and it was always good. As kids we would go fishing at least a couple of times a week because my dad always loved to fish. Then with so many fish, sometimes Mom would pickle them. I think though that pickled fish is an acquired taste, and I am one of them that likes it. So when I got this jar of pickled fish this week, I was really excited. It sounds like that they had too much trout this past year and that’s why they pickled it so it wouldn’t go to waste. Good for me 🙂

Pickles trout

I was able to get some corn cobs today for free that I was trying out to see if my chickens liked them in their roosting nests. It was ground up much more that I was thinking it would be,so I think I’ll just have to give it a try to see how it goes. It comes in 50 lb bags and if it works,it’s so much easier to have bags to deal with other than  trying to drag pails across the yard with straw in it. But to be honest, it looks more like a sand pile than a chicken nest.

Waiting to see if the chickens will like the crushed corn cobs

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