Getting in the Christmas mood

Early this morning, Mom and I headed to town to finish up some of those last minute gifts for Christmas. My mom is so organized. She comes with a list in her hand and what stores where she wanted to look for her gifts. She really does such a good job of knowing exactly what gift would be perfect to buy for everyone! We spent a couple of good hours just finishing up the list and then off to get something to eat. We really weren’t too hungry, but when the food came, you would have never have guessed that we were only looking to eat a light dinner. We sure had a good laugh out of that! We had enough food for 4 people on our table. Mom was hungry for onion rings as an appetizer and we ended up only making a dent in the bowl of them with all the rest of our other food.

After dinner, off to the theater at the college to see the Christmas Variety and Glee Club performance. I’ve never been to any of the performances before, and it was sure a great time! They had a little bit of everything – from Christmas skits to popular Christmas songs.  Then when we were walking out of the theater we noticed that it was really getting foggy, so we thought we’d better head home. We were gone from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, so it was probably time to call it a night anyway.

Mom and I before the show just checking out all the decorated trees

We had great seats at the show

But now I’m really getting in the Christmas mood and it’s time to find a tree. I don’t think I want it decorated until the boys are home. They will both be home early the week before .. and I LOVE that we’ll be all together for Christmas!!! Now I better get checking my list to see if I have everything bought and wrapped for their gifts.  Well….. I’ll do that after I eat the rest of the onion rings and finish my beer of course.

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