Exciting Day!

We’ve been looking for a bull for some time now, and yesterday we finally bought one for the cows. Daryl went to check it out earlier in the day because he had the day off, and after I got home from work, we went back to get the bull. Before we left, the trailer was hooked up in the yard and I laughed when I saw the cows just watching us.

The cows looking just a little nervous when they saw the trailer again

They stood by the gate and you could tell that they were just wondering what was going on…again!  On the way to the farm where we needed to go, Daryl said that he thought that I’d really like how the farm looked, and boy was he right. It was tucked away in the hillside, with a small river right beside it. Even though it was an older farm, I thought it was just perfect! Daryl thought it was just a little too old fashioned for his taste.  When we pulled into the yard, we saw so many bulls eating grass on the hillside, but the one that we were buying was in the yard. So when they were sorting the new bull out, I went walking around to check out some of the cows in the other pasture. It was pretty cool. When they would moo, you could hear the echo in the hills. Honestly, I was looking around to see if any of the Walton family was going to show up. Just kidding, but it definitely looked like somewhere they would live.  Finally with our bull loaded, off to our farm we went. Our new bull is a Polled Hereford and this type of bull doesn’t have horns and neither will any of the calves that are born.

But the really funny thing that happened was when we put him in the yard with the cows, No Ears took one look at him and started to chase him. I think this must have caught him off guard, because he then also started to run. They would run back and forth from the north side of the barn to the south side of the barn. We ended up locking all of them up on the cow yard because neither one of us felt like chasing the cows after they busted out of the pasture during the night.

Now today at lunch I came home from work to make sure that they were still where they were supposed to be, and to feed them. When I came home, I only found this in the barn.

This was a good sign that the cows escaped!

Yup, only the peacocks sunning themselves.  So off into the pasture I went to see if they were there or if I had to call Daryl and tell him that the cows were lost. But I did find them on the hill, all just hanging out. So with a little encouragement, they all soon came running. Once they got into the cow yard again, I gave them a pail of corn and they all seemed pretty pleased. I took out my camera to try to get a good picture of the new bull and when No Ears saw the camera, she led them all in a full run out of the yard. She acted like I had a gun or something. But I guess she remembered what happened the last time I had a camera in the yard with Rion, and he never came back. I couldn’t get close to any of them after that, but I took a picture of our new bull on the other side of the fence. Maybe tomorrow I’ll try to see if he’ll let me pet him and also see if I can get a better picture. The only thing now is to try to figure out what a good name for him would be. I think I’m going to go for some kind of a ‘rocker’ type name. I mean not every guy gets both ears pierced, do they?

Very Handsome!

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2 Responses to Exciting Day!

  1. bruce says:

    Bonnie, see if Daryl can find the old Kruse farm. It was in the hills with a river running through it. A very picturesque farm but not very practicle for farming.

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