Field work continues for Daryl

When Daryl brought in the soybeans to the Co-op to get tested the other day, he just couldn’t believe that they were testing around 10%. He said that when he was combining them, he could still see that some of them were not as dry as they have been in the past. Now usually you don’t want your crop to be so low of moisture, so when he got off work this afternoon he hurried up and went back into the field to try to get the rest of the soybeans out and then start working on taking out the corn. But some of the soybeans were just way too green and he ended up combining most of the field and letting the rest to dry down some more. He switched back to the corn head and made a few rounds in the corn field. Tomorrow he wants to get back at it again, and with the weather to be around 75 degrees, it should be a good day to be out in the field.

As for me? Well I needed to can those tomatoes that have been sitting around for awhile. You know how you just have to be in the mood sometimes? Well, tonight was the night and it was about time. I did have some tomatoes that were a little bit too ripe, but with living on the farm nothing really goes to waste. After I sorted what I should and shouldn’t use, out to the chicken coop I went to give the over ripe ones to the chickens. Chickens LOVE tomatoes. The only thing that they love more is strawberries. So when I threw the tomatoes into the coop it’s so funny just to watch them. The all run at once and just grab what they can, and then they run off with a piece of the tomato stuck in their beak. Next time I feed them tomatoes,  I think I’m going to see if I can’t get a picture of them. It’s just so funny! But for the rest of the tomatoes, I didn’t really need many more jars of spaghetti sauce canned this year, but it’s just one of those things. I  thought if I had the tomatoes I might as well can them. I was able to get around 15 more pints canned tonight, so tomorrow I’ll wash the jars and put them in the basement with the rest. I’m not really sure that this last batch was one of my best ones though. I have been putting in the sauce the basil that I dried from this summer, and I’m thinking that I put in maybe just a little bit too much tonight. It’s not bad,  so maybe I’ll keep the sauce for lasagna instead of using it on spaghetti. Who knows! But for now, I’m just glad that I got it done tonight and I’m thinking that this is really the last batch that I’ll be making this year.

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