Field work continues

Daryl has been busy combining and hauling corn back and forth from the other farm that he rents.  It’s his brother’s farm and since it’s less than a couple of miles away, it’s pretty convenient. I think combining has been going well and I haven’t asked him what the corn has been testing because if I do see him, it’s usually just for a second or two. When he stopped in to literally grab something for supper tonight, you have to be ready and have food in the refrigerator that heats up well and can be taken outside at any time. I had a pork loin stuffed with herbs roasting in the oven when he came in, and since it wasn’t ready to eat, he warmed up brat. It’s really no big deal, and maybe tomorrow night I can slice the pork loin and he can have a pork sandwich. With not having to really make any big meals anymore with the kids gone, I’ve been working on really trying to keep using what is frozen in the basement freezer. And since this pork loin has been in there for awhile – it was about time to cook it up.  Now just to find someone to eat it.

We’ve been talking lately that on our farm it is the ‘year of the tires’. OK, now Daryl is the one talking about it and I guess you can say that I did fun of him for saying it. To be honest, I made A LOT of fun out of it. He said it because he’s had to replace two tires on wagons and then on another wagon he needed a new tire tube. So what happened last night when I was leaving to go to the golf course? You guessed it, a flat tire on the car. So not only did I have to tell Daryl that he was right about the tires… but I also had to ask him to help me get it fixed. I ended up taking the truck last night to the golf course and then this morning I also took took his truck to work. He pumped up the tire this morning and took the car to work so the local shop would stop over to pick it up and not only fix the tire, but replace a light, and change the oil in the car. I should be set for awhile. All I can say is that I’m not going to make fun of Daryl if he says that we sure are having a lot of trouble with tires again..  well at least not for awhile .


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