
Busy, how is that for a title? Well it was the best that I could come up with that describes what’s been going on around our farm lately. I think it’s good that I’ve got more to do with my new job, but I haven’t find the rhythm or a good routine yet for myself or the animals. When I’m outside the dogs just look at me like ‘where do you go in the morning?’ But we’re all working on getting some type of a pattern down, and I’m sure it won’t be long until we’ve come up with a pretty solid routine.

I had to laugh today when I came home to find out that they must be getting cold during the day, that they had to start dragging out the cushion from the couch again. If you remember from last winter, when the weather turns cold or if it’s snowing or raining… they go into the garage and drag out the cushion off their couch and lay on it in the yard. It really looks pretty funny when you drive by and see both dogs laying on these cushions. We talked about getting rid of that old couch, but I’m thinking Why?

Guess who is getting too cold to lay on the yard anymore? Yup, Apollo and Reno

I’m also still watering the flowers outside. They look so good and I just hate to let them die. I was really happy when a mum that I just stuck into the ground last year, regrew again this year. It looks kind of nice, and if I had any idea that it was going to grow back I would have planted a yellow one there instead 🙂

After work Daryl and I went to a friend’s mothers’ wake, and then he headed into the field for the night. After going to town to get my hair cut and to get some groceries, a night of making candy is on store for me.

The corn and beans in our neighborhood, and really all around the county, are being harvested out of everyone fields lately these days.  The weather has been nice and even though the yields haven’t been the best for everyone, everybody is out seeing what their crops yielded. There was quite a bit of land north of us that didn’t get any rain and they are about the only ones that I heard never took their combines out because they didn’t have any crop grow. If you were one of those farmers, this would really be one year that you would never want to repeat again. The picture below is one that I took while walking in our yard tonight. Daryl is over at our other farm combining beans and the farmers in the picture are our neighbors. I think it kind of shows what all farmers are probably doing this afternoon and maybe even way into the night.

Corn fields being combined today

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