Fall is here

The temperature tonight is supposed to be down into the high 30’s and you can really feel that fall is truly here. Daryl was able to get the corn that he had in the bin dried and he used some of it to grind feed for the cattle. Of course once he got the feed all ground I just couldn’t help it but to give some of the fresh corn to the cattle. And let me just say that they really loved it! When we were outside tonight, Daryl spotted that kitty that bit me and she was now hiding out in the milk house by the barn. So back up into the hay loft she went, but this time the dogs weren’t around and it made things so much easier. My hand is still sore from where she bit me last night and I wasn’t too thrilled about having another night like that!

Daryl grinding feed for the cattle

The raspberries after the rain these past few days really kicked it into gear. And after picking them tonight, I got a pretty good bowl full of them. I washed them and then I put them on paper towels in the refrigerator to dry until the morning. I’m just going to freeze them whole until I’ll need them.

The most raspberries that I had all year

And of course the tomatoes are still going strong. Even though we’re at the end of the season on those also, I still had picked two large pans of them. I’m not sure when I’m going to can them, but hopefully sometime this week. I’d like to wait until Sunday, but I don’t know if the tomatoes will. About this time of the year I can get pretty tired of canning tomatoes, but it’s sure nice to have them in the basement during the winter.

The end of the tomatoes

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