Happy Cows

I was getting to the end of the small bales of hay that we had stored in the shed, so Daryl went and brought a large bale from the other farm. The cows were just hanging out in the pasture until they saw the new big bale of hay, and then they came running. It’ll be nice for the morning chores because then they’ll just get some crushed corn and we won’t have to worry about going into the shed before work.

Happy Cows

When I was putting the dogs in the barn for the night I heard this poor little kitty just crying and crying. So of course I went to see if I could find her and when I called for her, I found out that she was so scared and obviously lost. I grabbed her behind her neck and it seemed that everything was OK. Well, that was short lived. Reno came over to see just what was going on and it was clear that this cat did not like dogs. She bit me and then just to make sure… bit me again. When I yelled at Reno to get away, she actually did it. Now I’m not sure if it was that she was following my orders or if it was because she could see the blood running down my hand. Oh well, either way she finally left and I got the kitty back up into the barn where she belonged. I went back about 30 minutes later to make sure that she was OK and to bring her some beef stew and man was I surprised! I’ve been putting cat food up in the hay loft because I wanted to increase our cat population, and tonight I think I counted at least 10 cats just hanging out up there. That’s good. I put the stew down in the area where the little kitty that I rescued was, but I had a lot of other cats that looked pretty interested in what I had. So I’m not sure just who is having the stew tonight.

Other than that, a pretty uneventful day. Daryl tried to see if he should do some field work, but it’s still not fit enough to combine. He’s hoping that maybe later this week or early next week he’ll get some of the crop taken out.

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