Barn doors and the Iowa State Cyclones

I knew that I needed to be organized in the morning because Daryl and I were leaving around 1:30 in the afternoon to go visit William at college. We also had tickets to the college football game that night. So I worked on some paperwork that I wanted to catch up on and Daryl went to get the tin for the barn door that he needed to finish. When he came home with the tin from town, he decided that he wanted to finish it and if he got done putting it on the frame, we might try to get it hung up yet today. We will need to use the door not only for the winter to keep the snow out of the shed, but also when we are going to sell the next set of cows. (yes… Rion!) Our plan is to keep both Rion and Sassy in the shed when we pen them up to load them on the trailer. Rion is a jumper and if we only use the gates in the shed, I know he’ll jump them. Heck, if he can jump over the bottom of the barn door when it’s locked and not wreck anything – a gate will be a piece of cake for him. I took a picture of Daryl working on the door and you can see both these two cows in the background watching. Maybe they know that something is up? We had originally planned on bringing Rion and Sassy to the sale barn this Sunday night, but then we talked about it again. I told Daryl that I’m not sure that I can start a new job on Monday and then sell my pet cow the same day. He looked at me without really making any eye contact and said that maybe waiting another week would be a better idea. Yea, I think that’s a much better idea. As for now, Rion lives one more week!

Rion and Sassy watching Daryl

So like I said after the morning chores were done, off to Iowa State College we went with bags of stuff for William. I don’t know that he really has room in his dorm for all of this, but I guess he’ll make room. Not only did we bring him more fall clothes to wear, but also things like: Ramen Noodles, Mac & Cheese that his roommate needed, licorice, Calmar Courier newspapers to catch up on what was happening at the High School, crackers, and of course.. a couple of pounds of homemade beef jerky. So he should be set for awhile. It was really nice to see him again, and even though we did skype the other day it’s just not the same as actually being in the same room. We didn’t get long to visit because all the kids were heading to the game and he was planning on meeting up with them in the student section. So after a quick supper, off to the game Daryl and I went also. The weather was absolutely perfect!

Picture before the game

We knew that William was sitting in the student section and after we saw how big it was, we decided that it really looked like a lot of fun and didn’t think that we were going to be able to find him.

These top and bottom sections are where the kids sit. All the dark red shirts are the kids

Even with all the people that were at the game, we did run into some kids that we knew from our area before and after the game. The Cyclones had no trouble winning today and now they are 3 -0!

Picture of the field before the game started

We have tickets for one more football game this season and it’s parents weekend. We know some other parents that are also going down for the game and it would be fun to tailgate together with them. We’ve only tailgated once before and it was a really long time ago. We were thinking that maybe it was 15 to 20 years ago. Daryl was talking about that game that we tailgated on with my sister and her husband. He remembered what teams played, what car we took, who won, and it was the first game that they played on the new grass at the stadium (or something like that). The only thing that I remember is what we ate before the game. I think that might just about sum up it up on our relationship when it comes to sports. 🙂

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