Country Living

So I know that there is advantages in living in town, but today I was thinking of all the advantages of living in the country. And  I think the country living is much more suited for me. Why was I thinking of this today? Well, one of my good friends father-in-law died and his funeral was today. When I was sitting in church this morning waiting for the funeral to start,  I took the time to look around. Now granted, there was the immediate family and then there was the cousins and all the other relatives in church. But also I think most of the town where he lived was also there. I was in a discussion with my Mom and some of her friends at the meal and we were trying to agree on how many people just actually were in church. Well you know how that goes, that would be a really hard thing to all agree on. But we did all say that there was between 200 and 300 people in church and also at the meal after church. I started to wonder if this person lived in a larger city if he would have had met all those people and if they would have come to his funeral? Maybe.. you really don’t know I guess. But he had 40 Legionaries at his grave sight and with everyone gathered around, I don’t think he could have asked for anything better.

Legionaries at the cemetery

I wasn’t planning on staying for the meal, but I didn’t want to be rude so I did end up staying. With everything going on in the church basement, I never did get to talk to my friend, but I know that she saw that I was there and really that’s all that matters isn’t it.

Sympathy card for my friend

After the funeral, off to town I went to do some errands. I thought as long as I was dressed, I might as well get some other stuff done. So what did I pick up you might ask? Well check it out. Yup, apples! I know that we have apples on our farm, but they are so hard to get to and there isn’t too many of them left. I have this terrible feeling that Rion is going to get sold soon, so I didn’t think he needed to be eating wormy apples that fell on the ground anyway, so that’s why I bought some today. OK, so I’m sure you’re probably rolling your eyes by now and thinking that I’m really spoiling these cows, but maybe it’s a coincidence and maybe it’s not – but tonight was the first night that I had No Ears eating out of my hands for these apples. Usually she makes me throw hers on the ground in the cow yard. So, they must just know good apples when they see them. They weren’t too expensive and maybe I’ll make something out of the rest of them tomorrow. And if I don’t get around to it? Well the cows will be happy.

To finish off the night Daryl went to check the corn and he thought that he should maybe open the fields and see just what it was testing. So he took the combine over to the other field and changed the bean head for the combine head and into the field he went. If you remember he is using his new (to him) corn head and it worked well. I was glad because he was combining right by the road and if you have any trouble, the next day everyone will know about it. He didn’t combine much, and like I said he just wanted to open the fields tonight and see what the moisture was. So tomorrow he’ll bring the corn that he combined into the co-op to see what it’s testing. While I was waiting for him to pick him up, the corn smelled really good. Weird huh? I don’t know if it smelled so good because it was still a little green yet, but for some reason tonight it smelled like you were in the middle of a sweet corn patch.

Daryl opening up the fields tonight


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