
I decided that I needed to spend some time in the garden this morning and I was sure glad that I did. The next set of tomatoes were ready to be picked and it looks like I’ll have enough to do more spaghetti sauce. I used the cherry tomatoes in the sauce that I made last week and it worked pretty slick. I just washed them and then did a quick chop in the food processor and then into the kettle they went. It seemed to make the sauce thicker.  I wasn’t impressed with my old spaghetti sauce that I had canned last year, but I really liked how my latest batch turned out. I usually use a mix that I buy and then add onions, basil, and fennel seeds to it. Tonight we had spaghetti for supper with this years sauce and it was really good. Yea! At first I was going to cook the tomatoes that I picked this morning for the next set of sauce, but I didn’t have enough of the mixes that I needed. And since I really wasn’t planning on going into town, I thought that tomorrow would be just as good as today. I have to take the car into town tomorrow to get the tires balanced, so why get cleaned up today just for one errand? I know that I’m going to be in trouble when I get a job again and have to get dressed for town every day! Yikes! Maybe I should start thinking about that.

I went into the Roadhouse this afternoon and decided that I should spend sometime in there and get it vacuumed and cleaned. It hasn’t been terribly long since I’ve done this, so it really wasn’t too bad. Nothing that the shop vac and some Fabreeze couldn’t freshen up.

Since I was in the mood I started to clean the basement. I think we have way too much stuff and clutter.  I don’t know what we should all get rid of, but it should be something. I was able to get the front part of the basement cleaned and organized, and hopefully tomorrow I’ll scrub the floors and walls. I would have done it today, but I needed some more Mr. Clean and you guessed it… I didn’t want to go to town to get it. I’ll have to add it to my list for tomorrow. So hopefully I’ll have a chance to scrub it down tomorrow night. As for the back of the basement? I want to clean out the old milkhouse and use the shelving from there and bring it to the basement to help organize it. I know that I have too much kitchen stuff stored there, so it’s going to be a challenge to see just exactly what I’m going to be able to part with.

Now I don’t know if I ever wrote this before, but I really like doing laundry. I mean, I REALLY like doing laundry. At one point, some of my friends who would have trouble with stains on their clothes would ask me if I could see if I could get them out. Yea, kind of a sad life isn’t it? Anyway, I usually was successful, and to me it was just the challenge of it that I liked. OK, so now that the boys are both gone and with not much laundry to do I’m kind of looking for stuff to wash. So I’ve been hearing about how much the cloth grocery bags have so many germs on them and I decided to wash them today. The weather was really windy and cloudy so they are drying in our laundry room. Even though it looks like I have a lot of them, I have already downsized and I know that I’ll need to get rid of a couple more of them tomorrow when they’re dry.

Just washed bags


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