This is why I want a gun

Check out how many birds are just hanging out at our farm this morning

OK, it’s not like I’m a bird hater or anything like that – but I’m so sick of the amount of birds that we have on the farm. Most of them are pigeons and let me just say that they poop a lot! Daryl keeps saying that it must be the peacocks that are messing up the machine sheds, but I know better. It’s those stinking pigeons! Daryl and I have had the ‘gun’ conversation a couple of times now and he said that if I got a bigger gun, that I’d shoot holes in the sides of the buildings. He wants me to use the BB gun. Really? A BB gun? NO way! If I’m going to shoot, I need something to shoot with. But it might be true if I got a bigger gun about shooting holes in the buildings… but it really wouldn’t be too many. I would practice on cans or something in the yard until I got better. But for now? Because I don’t have a gun to downsize the quantity of those birds, there are so many of them just hanging out at our farm. Yuck!

After I freaked out about the birds, I decided that I would do some errands in the morning and then can some tomatoes in the afternoon. It was supposed to be cloudy and a chance of rain today, and they were right. It didn’t really rain though, but it was cloudy with a light rain. When I got the errands done, I started on canning the tomatoes. I had enough to make 25 jars of spaghetti sauce today and I was happy how it turned out. I cleaned up space where I keep the jars  in the basement and I truly made some new friends with the chickens. A lot of people don’t know that chickens will eat just about anything. And today my chickens had for dessert, cinnamon apples and old spaghetti sauce. I only kept the jars that were canned last year and it felt good to get it organized. Now all I have to do is to wash the jars that I canned today and put them on the shelves in the basement.

Getting out the BIG kettle today

My brother and sister-in-law stopped in tonight and took a look at Rion. There has been some discussions lately around the farm that he might be getting big enough to sell. Well, my brother said that he really was kind of big and weighed maybe around 1500 pounds, oh oh…..

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