Odds and ends today

I still don’t have the basement cleaned, but I did make a good start today. Since I had the fire barrel going, I decided that it was a good day to just look around in the basement and get rid of the obvious stuff that we didn’t need . Then I took a couple of boxes that I was storing down there and that I knew that needed to go to the Good Will store and combined everything and into the car it went. I didn’t want to take it back today because there’s a good chance that it’s supposed to rain tomorrow and I wanted to work on mowing the lawn instead. I got out the lawn mower only to find out that it needed gas and I didn’t have any left to fill it up. So I put on a a better shirt and shorts and tried to do something with my hair – but then thought.. ‘who am I going to see?’ Well as I was filling up the gas can, I ended up seeing a good friend of ours. Isn’t that the way it always goes? Anyway my hair really didn’t look that bad, and I was happy that I had a chance to visit with him. When I got home and filled up the lawn mower I started to think about part of the conversation that I just had. We were talking about the bean and corn crops. So why was I thinking about this? Well, it made me smile to think how far I’ve come in these past one and a half years with all this farm stuff.

What else did I do today? Well I was ready to clean out the kitchen pantry, and that’s exactly what I did. If it looked like we weren’t going to use it or if it had expired and if it was burnable, it went into the fire barrel. By about this time I was really having a good fire going! And even though I didn’t keep much, I’m finding out that we really don’t need that much food around anymore with both boys gone.

I also picked tomatoes to get ready to can them tomorrow. (you know – in case it rains) . I haven’t decided just what I’m going to can with them, but what I’m thinking is that I might make some spaghetti sauce. I guess I’ll have to see what mood I’m in tomorrow.

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